Reducing Hospital-Acquired Conditions

Reducing hospital-acquired conditions (HACs) is the goal of the Partnership for Patients, a public-private partnership that includes AHRQ, the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, and others working to improve the quality, safety, and affordability of health care. HACs cause harm to patients. They are conditions that a patient develops while in the hospital being treated for something else.

AHRQ’s patient safety research formed the foundation of the methods, tools, and resources that many hospitals and other frontline clinicians use to reduce HACs. AHRQ also developed a measurement strategy to show how well the Nation is doing at reducing HACs.

AHRQ Tools To Reduce Hospital-Acquired Conditions

AHRQ National Scorecard on Rates of Hospital Acquired Conditions

Page last reviewed December 2016
Page originally created December 2016
Internet Citation: Reducing Hospital-Acquired Conditions. Content last reviewed December 2016. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.