Local Wetland Programs

ICLEI – November 9, 2011

ICLEI released “Climate Communication for Local Governments,” a resource for local governments with detailed guidance on climate communication. The document is organized into five guidelines, with each section listing the takeaway points as well as additional resources. To learn more, click here.

By Janice Kurbjun – Summit Daily News

As the public comment period comes to a close for the Environmental Protection Agency's proposed guidance on determining whether a waterway is protected by the Clean Water Act, kayakers, conservationists and sportsmen from across the state gathered earlier this week to demonstrate what groups considered “broad-based support” for EPA's efforts, hand-delivering to EPA officials 23,887 comment postcards, photo petitions, letters, and stacks of emails in support of EPA action to keep the state's waterways clean. For full story, click here. For other comments in favor of the guidance, see Senator Leahy’s response (VT), click here. Coalition letter submitted by National Wildlife Federation, Trout Unlimited, Izaak Walton League of America, TRCP, and The Wildlife Society, click here. Environment America, click here. Environment Colorado, Trout Unlimited, Sierra Club in CO, click here.

The Center for Watershed Protection recently launched the Wetlands-At-Risk Protection Tool (WARPT) which is a process for local governments that acknowledges the role of wetlands as an important part of their community infrastructure, and is used to develop a plan for protecting at-risk wetlands and their functions. To view resources and webcast which was held on Wednesday, May 4th, 2011 to provide an overview of the WARPT, click here.

Jon Kusler, Ph.D., Esq., Jennifer Brady-Connor, Nan Stolzenburg – Association of State Wetland Managers – 2001

This summary was prepared for the Institute for Wetland Science and Public Policy by Jon Kusler, Jennifer Brady-Connor, and Nan Stolzenberg and was edited by Sharon Weaver. It is based upon several more detailed reports available from ASWM including Wetlands and Watershed Management, A Guide for Local Government and Wetlands and Watershed Management: A  Collection of Papers, Association of State Wetland Managers, Inc.,

Funding for this summary was provided by the McKnight Foundation, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Park Service Rivers and Trails Program. The opinions expressed in the document are the authors' and do not necessarily reflect the view of the sponsoring organizations and groups. 

There are hundreds of land trusts in the United States that protect wetlands. If you would like ASWM to include a land trust that is not already listed below, please let us know.  Land trusts have been organized by state, alphabetically.