Data Infographics

AHRQ's data infographics provide visual snapshots of health care trend data. These infographics highlight findings from the Agency’s Medical Expenditure Panel Survey (MEPS), the Healthcare Cost and Utilization Project (HCUP), and other AHRQ data sources. AHRQ’s infographics are available free of charge for posting on web sites, in newsletters, and on other platforms.

AHRQ Research Data Infographics

 Title: Opioids' Burden on Hospital Care: A State-by-State Comparison. The Nation’s opioid epidemic resulted in a 64 percent rise in opioid-related hospital stays between 2005 and 2014. Hospital rates varied widely by state in 2014, ranging from 362 opioid-related stays per 100,000 people in Maryland to 44 per 100,000 in Iowa. This map shows the states with the highest and lowest rates in 2014. States with the highest rates include: Connecticut, District of Columbia, Illinois, Kentucky, Maryland, Massachusetts, New Jersey, New York , Oregon, Rhode Island, Washington, and West Virginia. States with the lowest rates include: Arkansas, Georgia, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, Oklahoma, North Dakota, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, and Wyoming. No data were available for Alabama, Alaska, Delaware, Idaho, Maine, Mississippi, or New Hampshire.
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 (AHRQ Logo) Title: Patients Safer as Hospital-Acquired Conditions Decline. From 2010–2015, more than 3 million hospital-acquired conditions (HACs) were prevented, saving approximately 125,000 lives and more than $28 billion in health care costs. Learn more in the AHRQ report 'National Scorecard on Rates of Hospital Acquired Conditions.' (Four columns) Blue column on left with background image of a figure lying in a hospital bed a in light shades of blue and the words 21 percent reduction in hospital acquired conditions since 2010. Gold column with image of a heart wrapped in bandages using darker shades of gold and the words 3 million fewer adverse events. Purple column with image of figures in varying shades of purple to represent populations and the words 125,000 lives saved. Dark blue column on right with a sheet of dollar bills in varying shades of blue and the words $28 billion in savings. Source: Publication Date: December 12, 2016
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AHRQ Report Confirms Fewer Americans Lack Health Insurance. Select here for full expanded image.
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Sharp Rise in Double Mastectomies. Select here for full expanded image.
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Link to Infographic - Patients Safer as Hospital-Acquired Conditions Decline
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Link to Infographic - Comparison of the 50 States and District of Columbia across all Health Care Quality Measures

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Link to Infographic - Increased Newborn and Mother Hospital Stays

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Link to Infographic - Statin Use in U.S. Adults Doubles in 10 Years

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Link to Infographic - Hospital Readmissions for Psychiatric Conditions

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Link to Infographic - Inpatient Versus Outpatient Surgeries in U.S. Hospitals

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Link to Infographic - Opioid Overuse on the Rise; More Widespread Across the U.S.

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Link to Infographic - Hospital Readmissions: Not Just a Problem for Medicare

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Link to Infographic - Percent Change in Single and Family Premiums for Employer-Sponsored Health Insurance

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Link to Infographic - The Growing Pain of Spinal Stenosis

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Link to Infographic - Adverse Drug Events Occurring in U.S. Hospitals

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Link to Infographic - The Top Five Most Expensive Conditions Treated in U.S. Hospitals

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Link to Infographic - 30-Day Readmission Rates to U.S. Hospitals
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Page last reviewed December 2016
Page originally created July 2015
Internet Citation: Data Infographics. Content last reviewed December 2016. Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, Rockville, MD.