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Sherry Gelfand - Executive Assistant

Sherry Gelfand is currently employed by Chickasaw Advisory Services, LLC as a contractor to the U.S. Department of Energy.  She serves as the Executive Assistant to the Office of Technology Transitions.  She also worked for SRA International as a contractor to DOE, supporting Strategic Programs, Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy.

Prior to working at DOE, Sherry spent a year at ENC, a communications and marketing firm, and one year as founder of GELFAND Associates, providing an array of virtual office and conference planning support to a number of organizations.  With over 30 years as a high level secretary to law firm partners, government officials, and C-level corporate officers, she has a proven track record as a highly skilled Executive Assistant.  

Sherry also spent 18 months at the FCC, where she served briefly as Confidential Assistant to Chairman Julius Genachowski, and then as Special Assistant to Executive Director Blair Levin of the Omnibus Broadband Taskforce and to Phoebe Yang, Senior Advisor to the Chairman on Broadband (2009-2011).  Previously, she served as Confidential Assistant to the Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice (1993-1996). 

Sherry has also has served as Manager of Business Intake for a major Tampa law firm, as Executive Assistant to the Chairman/CEO of Valor Telecom in Dallas, and Executive Assistant to the Chairman/CEO of Soundpath Legal Conferencing in Washington, DC.  In the 1980's, Sherry worked for a number of law firms as a Word Processing Supervisor and Consultant, an IT Manager, and a Law Firm Administrator.

Sherry is originally from Scranton, Pennsylvania and is a graduate of Keystone Junior College.