
Rocky Hills HMA

(Formerly known as North Simpson Park HMA)

Location: The Rocky Hills Herd Management Area (HMA) is, located 54 miles south west of Elko, Nevada in Eureka County. 

Size: The area consists of 81,435 acres of BLM land and 2,553 acres of a mix of private and other public lands for a total of 83,988 acres.

Topography/Vegetation: The HMA is 15 miles wide, and 13 miles long and encompasses the Rocky Hills, and Simpson Park Mountains. Elevations range from 8100 feet, down to 5500 feet in elevation through out Denay and Horse Creek Valleys that surround the Mountain ranges.  The vegetation consists primarily of pinyon pine and juniper trees, mountain mahogany and low sagebrush. The lower and drier elevations consist of saltbrush, greasewood, sagebrush and a variety of annual and perennial grasses and wildflowers. In some areas it may take 25 acres to support one horse for a month.The terrain across most of the Shoshone-Eureka Planning Area managed by the Battle Mountain Field Office is typical of the Great Basin region with steep north and south trending mountain ranges separated by large sweeping valley bottoms. Nevada has the largest number of mountain ranges in the United States. Central Nevada is sometimes referred to as a high desert or a cold desert with elevations ranging from 6,000 feet in the valley bottoms to over 10,000 feet on the mountain peaks. Temperatures range from in excess of 100 degrees in the summer to less than 20 degrees below zero in the winter. Precipitation is in short supply with an annual total of only 5 to 16 inches. Nevada is the driest state in the nation with the least amount of annual rainfall and the lowest amount of surface water. 

AML:  90-143