The Use of Technology to Support Early Childhood Practice: Protecting Child, Parent, and Practitioner Privacy

Published: January 19, 2017
Child Care, Early Head Start, Family & Youth Services, Head Start
Use of Technology to Support Head Start Practice, 2013-2015 | Learn more about this project

This brief addresses privacy and security considerations related to computer software, mobile applications (apps), and web-based tools that early childhood practitioners may access via the Internet as part of their work with children and families.

Included in the brief are discussions of:

  • types of information companies that provide technology tools might collect;
  • strategies programs can use to protect individual’s privacy;
  • tips on what content to include in written agreements or contracts related to technology use, and;
  • discussion of extra steps necessary when accepting click-wrap licenses for consumer apps.

The brief concludes that it is crucial to ensure that any service used protects the privacy of children, parents, and practitioners. Programs need to establish policies and procedures to this end.

Last Reviewed: January 17, 2017