The Source for Crime and Justice Data

Deposit Data

The online deposit form facilitates the secure upload of files via a web browser.

NACJD has prepared separate one-page guidelines for depositing data for NIJ and OJJDP sponsored research. Click on the link(s) below to learn more about the requirements.

For information about depositing data sponsored by the Bureau of Justice Statistics, please send email to

Benefits of Depositing Data

One of the major goals of NACJD and its sponsors is to support the analysis of existing data. The criminal justice field as a whole benefits when professional researchers test each other's conclusions - verifying, refining or refuting original findings. This is one reason why the National Institute of Justice (NIJ) and the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) require that their grantees deposit data sponsored by these agencies with NACJD.

Sharing of data also fosters the development and testing of new conclusions, as data collected for one purpose can be used to pursue inquiries not addressed by the original investigators. Indeed, depositing files produced from the analysis of existing data is also encouraged.

Archiving data affords multiple benefits to the investigator:

  • The investigator's study is described on the NACJD website.
  • NACJD distributes the data and supporting documentation to interested users, freeing investigators from using their own time and resources to do so and permitting other researchers to reanalyze the data.
  • Once the data are archived and available, the investigator is no longer responsible for maintaining permanent backups of the data he or she collected.
  • The investigator and his or her colleagues can assist each other in future research projects by sharing the archived data and documentation over a wide variety of computer platforms.

Preparing Research Files for Deposit

NACJD urges researchers to begin their archiving strategy as they begin their research. The National Institute of Justice's Data Resources Program provides much useful information about things to consider. ICPSR, NACJD's parent organization, has also prepared valuable guidelines for data management.

NACJD encourages researchers to deposit computer-readable data with NACJD for long-term preservation and for use in analysis by other social science researchers. The following information will assist in the preparation of data for deposit.

Contact NACJD

If you encounter any issues with the form or have questions, please contact NACJD. Grantees who will be depositing data at NACJD can also contact NACJD staff with any questions they have about how to prepare the data or documentation or to discuss Restricted Data release (PDF 16K) or other options.

Contact NACJD by email at, or by phone, using the toll-free help line (800) 999-0960 (9 a.m. to 5 p.m. EST), or by mail at the following addresses:

ICPSR Acquisitions
Attn: National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
P.O. Box 1248
Ann Arbor, MI 48106-1248

For UPS/FEDEX shipments:
ICPSR Acquisitions
Attn: National Archive of Criminal Justice Data
330 Packard Street
Ann Arbor, MI 48104