Center Content: 

The Gold Book

The publication Surface Operating Standards and Guidelines for Oil and Gas Exploration and Development (commonly referred to as the Gold Book) was developed to assist operators by providing information on the requirements for obtaining permit approval and conducting environmentally responsible oil and gas operations on federal lands and on private surface over Federal minerals (split-estate). Split-estate surface owners will also find the Gold Book to be a useful reference guide.

Below are links to chapters and other elements of the Gold Book.

Table of Contents 

Chapter One – Introduction
Chapter Two – Geophysical Operations
Chapter Three – Permitting and Approval of Lease Operations
Chapter Four – Construction and Maintenance
Chapter Five -- Drilling and Production Operations
Chapter Six – Reclamation and Abandonment
Chapter Seven – Appeals

List of Commonly Used Abbreviations and Acronyms

Appendix 1 – BLM/FS Office Locations