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Colorado Northwest District Greater Sage-Grouse. Photo by Megan Maguire

Greater Sage-Grouse in Colorado

BLM Colorado Sagegrouse MapIf you’re interested in Greater Sage- Grouse habitat in the area of: Colorado River Valley; Grand Junction; Kremmling; Little Snake; White River.

Northwestern Colorado is located on the southern edge of greater sagegrouse range, but a high percentage of sage-grouse habitat in the state is considered a priority for conservation. Sage-grouse habitat is about evenly split between federal and private ownership.

The North Park and Northwestern Colorado populations hold significant sage-grouse numbers. The smaller populations to the south are in the Colorado Plateau Management Zone. The predominant threats in Colorado are habitat fragmentation and loss of sagebrush from activities such as energy development, associated infrastructure, agricultural conversion, invasive grasses and fire, with ex-urban development as a localized stressor.

Download the Colorado Fact Sheet.