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EBSA Enforcement Data
The dataset consists of closed cases that resulted in penalty assessments by EBSA since 2000. This data provides information on EBSA's enforcement programs to enforce ERISA's Form 5500 Annual Return/Report filing requirement focusing on deficient filers, late filers and non-filers.

Dataset tables listing: EBSA Data Dictionary, EBSA Metadata and EBSA OCATS.

MSHA Enforcement Data
The dataset consists of information on the mining industry, including information on mines, mine operators, inspections, violations, and accidents.

Dataset tables listing: MSHA Data Dictionary, MSHA Metadata, MSHA Accident, MSHA Assessed Violation, MSHA Commodity Lookup, MSHA Contractor, MSHA Controller History, MSHA Calendar Year Contractor Employment, MSHA Calendar Year Operator Employment, MSHA Inspection, MSHA Mine, MSHA Mine Contractor, MSHA Operator History, MSHA Quarterly Contractor Employment, MSHA Quarterly Operator Employment, MSHA Violation and MSHA Address of Record.

OFCCP Compliance Evaluation and Complaint Investigation Data
The dataset consists of closed compliance evaluations and complaint investigations, conducted by the OFCCP, for the last five fiscal years. This data provides information on the OFCCP's efforts to enforce the EEO-mandated laws and regulations within the Federal Contractor Community (those companies which have been provided government contracts).

Dataset tables listing: OFCCP Data Dictionary, OFCCP Metadata, OFCCP Compliance Evaluation and OFCCP Complaint Investigation.

OSHA Enforcement Data
The dataset consists of inspection case detail for approximately 100,000 OSHA inspections conducted annually. The dataset includes information regarding the impetus for conducting the inspection, and details on citations and penalty assessments resulting from violations of OSHA standards. Additionally, accident investigation information is provided, including textual descriptions of the accident, and details regarding the injuries and fatalities which occurred.

Wage and Hour Compliance Action Data
The dataset contains all concluded WHD compliance actions since FY 2005. The dataset includes whether any violations were found and the back wage amount, number of employees due back wages, and civil money penalties assessed.
NOTE: Findings Start Date and Findings End Date are not equal to Case Open Date and Case Close Date, which are not included in the dataset.

Dataset tables listing: WHD Data Dictionary, WHD Metadata and WHD Whisard.