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Greater sage-grouse in Idaho. BLM Idaho photo.

Greater Sage-Grouse in Idaho

BLM Idaho Sagegrouse MapIf you’re interested in Greater Sage- Grouse habitat in the area of: Birds of Prey National Conservation Area; Bruneau; Burley; Challis; Craters of the Moon National Monument; Four Rivers; Jarbidge; Salmon; Owyhee; Pocatello; Shoshone; Upper Snake.

With an estimated 14 percent of the rangewide breeding population and 18 percent of the rangewide priority areas of conservation within its borders, Idaho plays an important role in the health of greater sage grouse. Located at the northern edge of the Great Basin, Idaho has a cluster of priority habitat areas in the central part of the state that functions as a hub for genetic connectivity between the eastern and western portion of the species’ range.

The Natural Resources Conservation Service’s Sage Grouse Initiative (SGI) has made significant gains in securing conservation easements in key private inholdings a mosaic of privately owned and public lands. Significant cheatgrass incursions and frequent wildfires are primary threats to greater sage-grouse persistence.

Download the Idaho Fact Sheet.