U.S. Department of Commerce

Housing Vacancies and Homeownership (CPS/HVS)

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Historical Tables

Revised Estimates of the Housing Inventory: 2000 to Present

Notes and Explanations

Since the first quarter 2003, the Current Population Survey/Housing Vacancy Survey (CPS/HVS) housing inventory estimates have been controlled to independent housing unit estimates based upon Census 2000 (2000-2009 data) and Census 2010 (2010-present data) and updated with building permit data, estimates of housing loss, and other administrative records data.  In the second quarter 2012, the CPS/HVS revised the entire series of housing inventory estimates back to the first quarter 2010, based on the latest series of independent housing controls, the vintage 2011 time series.  Housing inventory estimates from the second quarter 2000 through the fourth quarter 2009 are revised based on the vintage 2010 time series.  Housing inventory estimates, prior to the second quarter 2000, have not been revised.  The revised CPS/HVS housing inventory data series are based on the independently produced vintage 2011 housing unit estimates that are projected forward through the fourth quarter 2012.  The same general procedure will be followed each year in revising housing inventory estimates with the most up-to-date independent housing estimates available.

For an explanation of the methodology used in producing the housing inventory independent estimates, please see: http://www.census.gov/popest/methodology.

Note: This time series is by the latest "vintage" year. For example, vintage 2011 means that all of the estimates in this time series are identified as belonging to "vintage 2011." The 2010 data are from the 2011 vintage, the 2011 data are from the 2011 vintage, and so on.

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Source: U.S. Census Bureau | Housing Vacancies and Homeownership (CPS/HVS) |  Last Revised: 2012-09-21T16:34:58.734-04:00