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CHIPS Articles: NAVNETWARCOM Embraces Transition Efforts

NAVNETWARCOM Embraces Transition Efforts
A broadened scope equals increased visibility for component commands
By Tanyeil O’Neal General, NAVNETWARCOM NetOps 5 - July-September 2015
In April 2015, Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. TENTH Fleet (FCC/C10F), under the leadership of Vice Adm. Jan Tighe, issued operational orders to establish horizontal and vertical lines of authority for Naval Network Warfare Command (NAVNETWARCOM) as Commander Task Force 1010 (CTF 1010). As the joint and Navy cyber domain continues to transform to adapt to dynamic operational requirements, NAVNETWARCOM is poised to meet this challenge as the global, tactical commander for Navy communications and information systems.

NAVNETWARCOM is the global tactical command responsible for enterprise service delivery and connectivity ashore and afloat of the Department of Defense Information Network–Navy (DODIN-N). The command employs an enterprise approach to network security and improves IT service delivery through standardized information assurance (IA) and compliance validation practices. NAVNETWARCOM also serves as the Navy’s commercial satellite operations manager and delivers enhanced Space products to operating forces by leveraging DoD, national, commercial and international space capabilities.

NAVNETWARCOM’s command and control (C2) transition efforts optimize resources to improve enterprise visibility and coordination with fleet Commanders, while centralizing tactical control of Navy networks.

The establishment of the DODIN-N commander role realigns six regional operational commands. The additional role positions the NAVNETWARCOM to serve as primary integrator of Navy tactical DODIN information, forming a composite approach that transcends geographical boundaries and provides the DODIN-N commander with a trans-regional operational view of navy networks and communications. These commands are geographically dispersed around the world to service deployed users and provide entry points for Navy Tactical Satellite Systems.

Steer the course

In order to clearly define the core function of the command, Capt. Eugene Costello, Commanding Officer, NAVNETWARCOM, and Commander, Task Force 1010, revised the mission statement: Execute tactical-level command and control (C2) to Direct, Operate, Maintain and Secure Navy communications and network systems globally and to leverage joint space capabilities for Navy and joint operations. The reinvigorated approach strengthens the integration, success and unification of command relationships while assuring uninterrupted support to the warfighter.

The command goals were also aligned to DoD’s Cyber Strategy, U.S. Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM) Guidance and FCC/C10F Strategic goals. Costello approved three strategic goals:

-- Establish shared situational awareness and C2 of DODIN-N operations;

-- Provide assured DODIN-N operations to the Warfighter; and

-- Deliver enhanced Space products to operating forces.

These goals allow the command to support the growing divergence in skills and capabilities needed to fulfill the operational mission.

The command continues to employ an iterative, phased process to assume full DODIN-N responsibilities commensurate with the C2 authorities delegated to CTF 1010. “Although transition will continue to occur into the foreseeable future, it is expected that we will meet our primary transition goals and milestones by fall 2015,” Costello said.

NAVNETWARCOM’s operational and tactical focus remains sound. The command partners with Navy Cyber Defense Operations Command (NCDOC) to fully secure and defend Navy networks. With integrated DODIN and Defensive Cyber Operations (DCO) processes and procedures in place, the ability to take decisive, informed network maneuver actions enhances the network’s operational and security posture.

The unprecedented combination of a unified workforce, increased operational visibility and clear direction coupled with technological innovation provides the situational awareness the commander needs to secure the networks while ensuring capability and availability to the end user. The command’s C2 transition efforts help to stabilize relationships with the fleet, support the warfighter and are critical to facilitating NAVNETWARCOM’s continuing journey as the premier organization responsible for tactical management of the Navy’s networks.


For more news from U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. 10th Fleet, visit

Capt. Eugene Costello, Commanding Officer, NAVNETWARCOM, and Commander, Task Force 1010
Capt. Eugene Costello, Commanding Officer, NAVNETWARCOM, and Commander, Task Force 1010
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