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Office of Inspector General

The Office of Inspector General (OIG) conducts independent audits, management reviews and investigations of the programs and operations of the Railroad Retirement Board. The OIG provides recommendations for improvement to agency management to promote efficiency and economy, and identifies fraud and abuse in agency programs and operations.

The OIG initiated operations in January 1986. Today, Inspector General Martin J. Dickman directs a staff of 53 professional employees located in Chicago, IL at the RRB headquarters and in an investigative field office in Philadelphia, PA.

This site provides descriptions of our major components, the Office of Audit and the Office of Investigations. Visitors may also access OIG audit reports that detail reviews of specific program operations, and publications that summarize the accomplishments of the office.


Report Fraud, Waste, and Abuse

Its your Money. Protect it. Report it

RRB-OIG Hotline Officer
844 N Rush St, 4th Fl
Chicago, IL 60611-1275

Toll-free: 1-800-772-4258
Fax: (312) 751-4342
E-mail: hotline@oig.rrb.gov


Related Links

"" Access America for Seniors

"" FTC Identity Theft Website

"" IGNet

"" RRB and Recovery Act 2009

Date Published: 03/04/2009
Date Updated:    03/04/2009