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Recovery Act Reports and Other Materials: Smart Grid Investment Grant (SGIG)

To jump start the modernization of the nation’s aging energy infrastructure, the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (ARRA) invested $4.5 billion in the electric sector — matched by private funding to reach a total of about $9.5 billion — so that Americans could start experiencing the benefits of the future grid sooner. Of the $4.5 billion, $3.4 billion was used to help industry accelerate the deployment of advanced technologies that are now keeping the lights on more reliably and efficiently and reducing costs. The Recovery Act also provided funding for more than 50 smart grid workforce development projects that helped prepare the next generation of workers in the utility and electrical manufacturing industries and six projects that strengthened the capabilities for long-term analysis and planning in the three interconnections serving the lower 48 states. Funding also allowed States to hire new staff and retrain existing employees to ensure they can quickly and effectively review proposed electricity projects, supported the development of interoperability standards, and allowed 47 States, Washington DC, and 43 cities to develop energy assurance plans for natural disasters.

Below are links to some of the reports and other materials generated as part of the ARRA work. As additional reports and materials are added, links will be added to this page.    

Key Summary Reports
Smart Grid Investment Grant Program, Final Report - December 2016
Advancement of Synchrophasor Technology in Projects Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - March 2016
Advanced Metering Infrastructure and Customer Systems - Results Results from the Smart Grid Investment Grant Program - September 2016
Final Report on Consumer Acceptance, Retention, and Response to Time-Based Rates from the Consumer Behavior Studies - November 2016
Distribution Automation - Results from the Smart Grid Investment Grant Program - September 2016
Workforce Training Program Summary Report October 2016
Economic Impact of Recovery Act Investments in the Smart Grid - April 2013
Smart Grid Investment Grant Progress Report 2013 - October 2013
Smart Grid Investment Grant Progress Report 2012 - July 2012
Proceedings and Presentations
Summary of Proceedings of the EPRI-DOE Conference, The Smart Grid Experience: Applying Results, Reaching Beyond - October 27-29, 2014
Realization of the Smarter Grid - October 2014
Transforming the Grid Through Integration - October 2014
Conservation and Optimization via Volt/Var Control - October 2014
Systems Driving the Integrated Grid - Including DMS, DA, DERMS, DRMS - October 2014
Integrated Communication Networks and the Integrated Grid - Foundations of the Modern Grid - October 2014
AMI: Beyond Meter Reading - October 2014
Studying the Smarter Consumer - October 2014
Engaging the Smarter Consumer (starts on slide 19) - October 2014
Presentation to the U.S. DOE Electricity Advisory Committee, Progress and Results from ARRA Smart Grid Programs - September 24, 2014
IEEE Power and EnerSessgy Society 2014 Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference: Summary of the DOE Sessions on the Recovery Act Smart Grid Sessions - February 19-24, 2014
Analysis Guidance Documents
Methodological Approach for Estimating the Benefits and Costs of Smart Grid Demonstration Projects, January 2010
Guidebook for ARRA Smart Grid Program Metrics and Benefits, May 2010
Guidebook for Cost/Benefit Analysis of Smart Grid Demonstration Projects, Revision 1, December 2012
DOE Smart Grid Computational Tool Users Guide 2.0 - July 2011
Smart Grid Computational Tool - December 2013
DOE Reports on Technology Applications and Results
Bridging the Gaps on Prepaid Utility Service - September 2015
Demand Reductions from the Application of Advanced Metering Infrastructure, Pricing Programs, and Customer-Based Systems - Initial Results - December 2012
Operations and Maintenance Savings from the Advanced Metering Infrastructure - Initial Results - December 2012
Reliability Improvements from the Application of Distribution Automation Technologies - Initial Results - December 2012
Application of Automated Controls for Voltage and Reactive Power Management - Initial Results - December 2012
Synchrophasor Technologies and their Deployment in the Recovery Act Smart Grid Programs - August 2013
Model Validation Using Synchrophasor - NASPI Technical Workshop - October 2013
PMUs and Data Flows in North America - March 2014
Phasor Tools Visualization - NASPI Technical Workshop - June 2014
Synchrophasor Technology and Renewables Integration - NASPI Technical Workshop - June 2014
Use of IEC 61850-90-5 to Transmit Synchrophasor Information According to IEEE 73.118: NASPI Tutorial (October 16, 2012 - August 2014 Update)
Customer Participation in the Smart Grid - Lessons Learned - September 2014
Municipal Utilities' Investment in Smart Grid Technologies Improves Services and Lowers Costs - October 2014
Factors Affecting PMU Installation Costs - October 2014
Smart Grid Investments Improve Grid  Reliability, Resilience, and Storm Response - November 2014
Evaluating Electric Vehicle Charging Impacts and Customer Charging Behaviors - Experiences from Six Smart Grid Investment Grant Projects - December 2014
Fault Location, Isolation, and Service Restoration Technologies Reduce Outage Impact and Duration - December 2014
Consumer Behavior Studies (CBS)
a. DOE Reports and Studies
Final Report on Customer Acceptance, Retention, and Response to Time-Based Rates from the Consumer Behavior Studies - November 2016
Spillover Benefis from Time-Based Rates and Inter-Temporal Demand Impact - TBD
Relative Mertis of Alternative Expirimental Designs for Studies and Evaluations of Time-Based Rates - TBD
Time-of-Use as Default Rate for Residential Customers: Issues and Insights  - June 2016
Overview of Time-of-Use as Default Rate for Residential Customers: Issues and Insights - June 2016
Interim Report on Customer Acceptance, Retention, and Response to Time-Based Rates from the Consumer Behavior Studies - June 2015
Experiences from the Consumer Behavior Studies on Engaging Customers - September 2014
Analysis of Customer Enrollment Patterns in Time-Based Rate Programs - Initial Results from the SGIG Consumer Behavior - July 2013
Smart Grid Investment Grant Consumer Behavior Study Analysis: Summary of Utility Studies - June 2013
Experiences of Vulnerable Residential Customer Subpopulations with Critical Peak Pricing - September 2016
Central Vermont Public Service to "Green Mountain Power" - eEnergy Vermont - August 2013
Detroit Edison - SmartCurrents Home Project - April 2011
FirstEnergy - Smart Grid Modernization Initiative - August 2013
Lakeland Electric - Smart Metering Infrastructure Initiative - August 2013
Marblehead Municipal Light Department - Residential Dynamic Pricing Pilot Project - August 2013
Minnesota Power - AMI Behavioral Research Pilot - August 2013
NV Energy - Nevada Dynamic Pricing Trial of the Advanced Services Delivery Project - August 2013
Oklahoma Gas and Electric - Smart Study TOGETHER - August 2013
Sacramento Municipal Utility District - SmartSacramento Project - August 2013
Vermont Electric Cooperative - eEnergy Vermont - August 2013
b. CBS Analysis Guidance Documents
Quantifying the Impacts of Time-Based Rates, Enabling Technology, and Other Treatments in Consumer Behavior Studies: Protocols and Guidelines - July 2013
U.S. Department of Energy's Approach for Conducting Consumer Behavior Studies within the Smart Grid Investment Grant Program - October 2011
c. CBS Utility Evaluation Reports
Central Vermont Public Service to "Green Mountain Power" - eEnergy Vermont - Interim Report - November 2013
Central Vermont Public Service to "Green Mountain Power" - eEnergy Vermony - Final Report - March 2015
Detroit Edison - SmartCurrents Home Project - Interim Report - January 2014
Detroit Edison - SmartCurrents Home Project - Final Report - August 2014
FirstEnergy - Smart Grid Modernization Initiative - Interim Report - May 2013
FirstEnergy - Smart Grid Modernization Initiative - Final Report - June 2015
Lakeland Electric - Smart Metering Infrastructure Initiative - Interim Report - February 2015
Lakeland Electric - Smart Metering Infrastructure Initiative - Final Report - April 2015
Marblehead Municipal Light Department - Residential Dynamic Pricing Pilot Project - Interim Report - May 2012
Marblehead Municipal Light Department - Residential Dynamic Pricing Pilot Project - Final Report - June 2013
Minnesota Power - AMI Behavioral Research - Interim Report - March 2014
Minnesota Power - AMI Behavioral Research - Final Report - September 2016
NV Energy - Nevada Dynamic Pricing Trial of the Advanced Services Delivery Project - Interim Report
NV Energy - Nevada Dynamic Pricing Trial of the Advanced Services Delivery Project - Final Report - October 2015t
Oklahoma Gas and Electric - Smart Study TOGETHER - Interim Report - March 2011
Oklahoma Gas and Electric - Smart Study TOGETHER - Final Report - August 2012
Sacramento Municipal Utility District - SmartSacramento Project - Interim Report - October 2013
Sacramento Municipal Utility District - SmartSacramento Project - Final Report - September 2014
Vermont Electric Cooperative - eEnergy Vermont - Interim Report - October 2013
Vermont Electric Cooperative - eEnergy Vermont - Final Report - June 2015
Synchrophasor Technology
a. DOE Reports and Studies
Factors Affecting PMU Installation Costs - October 2014
Synchrophasor Technologies and Their Deployment in the Recovery Act Smart Grid Programs - August 2013
Advancement of Synchrophasor Technology in Projects Funded by the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 - March 2016
b. NASPI Workshop Proceedings
Use of IEC 61850-90-5 to Transmit Synchrophasor Information According to IEEE 73.118: NASPI Tutorial, October 16, 2012 - August 2014 Update
Phasor Tools Visualization: NASPI Technical Workshop - June 2014
Synchrophasor Technology and Renewables Integration: NASPI Technical Workshop - June 2014
Model Validation Using Synchrophasors: NASPI Technical Workshop - October 2013
c. Recipient Reports
Use Synchrophasor Data to Accelerate Reclosing of an Important Tie Line - March 2014
Synchrophasor Data Used to Calibrate and Validate Columbia Generating Station (CGS) Model - August 2012