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‘Why Teens Kill’ Event Scheduled!

GSCEMS would like to thank Georgetown Community Hospital, the Georgetown Police Department and the Scott County Sheriff’s Department for helping us to bring an incredible opportunity to our area.

   Why Teens Kill is a classroom based seminar, jammed with media, including hundreds of crime scene photos, original videos, suspect interrogations, and information known only to the killer and law enforcement. It is fast-paced and covers over 50 juvenile homicide cases, including school shootings, family killings, thrill killings, mall shootings, cult killings, gang shootings, and media-inspired murders.

The event is present by Phil Chalmers. He is America’s Leading Authority on Juvenile Homicide and Juvenile Mass Murder, and has interviewed over 200 teen killers and school shooters, along with numerous serial killers, mass murderers, and sexual predators. The reason for these interviews is to delve into the minds of the offenders, and to explore why they killed, and if society could have stopped them. Phil has also been studying youth culture for 25 years, and is an expert in youth behavior, youth culture, and youth entertainment. Phil has been studying juvenile homicide and juvenile mass murder for 20 years, and is the author of “Inside the Mind of a Teen Killer” and “The Encyclopedia of Teen Killers.”

This course will teach attendees the top ten reasons why teens kill, the six types of teen killers, the warning signs that were missed, the triggers that cause kids to finally make the move, and ways we can keep our communities and schools safe. THIS CLASS IS A MUST FOR EVERY PARENT, JUVENILE OFFICER, SCHOOL ADMINISTRATOR, YOUTH COUNSELOR, POLICE OFFICER, AND ANYONE WHO COMES IN CONTACT WITH JUVENILES, WHICH, QUITE FRANKLY, IS ALL OF US! Phil will also take attendees back in time with the history of teen murder and school violence, and will take attendees into the minds of teen killers, and into their culture, showing attendees what kinds of music, movies, and video games kids today absorb.

Some of the cases featured in this year’s seminar include a mall shooting, school shootings, murders committed by children as young as 7-years-old, thrill killings, and sex killings. Phil will cover the 15 warning signs, the 10 causes of teen murder, the triggers that cause teens to kill, and strategies for prevention. This seminar is loaded with crime scene photos, interviews with first responders and homicide detectives, and the killers themselves.

A flyer is available to view here… Please help spread the word!

Click on the Event Registration tab on the menu to register. Thanks to our sponsors, we are able to bring you this event free of charge! Again, a huge thanks to Georgetown Community Hospital, the Georgetown Police Department and the Scott County Sheriff’s Department!

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