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  • Today, loading a web page on a big website usually involves a database query — to retrieve the latest contributions to a...
  • The age of big data has seen a host of new techniques for analyzing large data sets. But before any of those techniques can...
  • Daniela Rus loves Singapore. As the MIT professor sits down in her Frank Gehry-designed office in Cambridge, Massachusetts,...

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Events Calendar

Research Initiatives Cybersecurity @ MIT CSAIL
The goal of CyberSecurity@CSAIL is to identify and develop technologies to address the most significant security issues confronting organizations in the next decade. Presently, approaches...
Research Initiatives bigdata@CSAIL
To solve the data deluge, CSAIL researchers will be investigating how to transform big data into big insights. CSAIL members will explore all the challenges and opportunities presented by big data,...
Research Initiatives Wireless@MIT
A large, perhaps dominant, part of our computing future will be wireless and mobile. To realize that future, CSAIL researchers are developing novel solutions to four challenges: dramatic improvements...