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Preservation Board

The BLM's Director has established a Preservation Board to advise the Director, Assistant Directors, State Directors, and field-office managers in developing and executing BLM's policies and procedures for historic properties. Authority, responsibilities, and operating procedures for the Preservation Board are specified in the BLM Manual, the National Programmatic Agreement, and the Board's Charter.

The Preservation Board is chaired by the BLM's Preservation Officer and includes Deputy Preservation Officers from each State Office. The field organization is represented by four officials authorized to make land-use decisions, and two field office specialists fill out the Board, bringing the day-to-day, operational staff perspective.

The Preservation Board reviews issues and recommends to the Director and State Directors about policies and procedures, bureau-wide program consistency, training, certification of field offices, monitoring of field offices' historic preservation programs, and responses to public inquiries. The Board holds meetings in June and December each year and posts its reports on this site.