The Pacific Climate Information System (PaCIS) provides a programmatic framework to bring together ongoing and future climate observations, operational forecasting services and climate projections, research, assessment, data management, outreach, and education - an integrated system of climate services - to address the needs of the Pacific Islands. It provides a forum for sharing the expertise, experience, and perspective needed to guide integrated program planning and product development.

Actionable Information to Support Resilient Communities and Sustainable Ecosystems


  • Resilient and sustainable Pacific communities using climate information to manage risks and support practical decision-making in the context of climate variability and change.


  • Clarify climate information needs to guide climate education, outreach, user information needs, observations, products, services, research and assessment.
  • Provide access to critical data, research and new climate information products and services.
  • Translate research and assessment results into useful and usable climate information.
  • Interpret global and regional climate forecasts and projections for local applications.
  • Enhance regional and local capabilities to manage risks and support sustainable development in the context of climate variability and change.
  • Enhance collaboration among national, regional and international institutions and programs involved in climate information services.
Activities recently completed or currently under way:

December 2011 PaCIS Plan for Regional Climate Services                         PaCIS Terms of Reference and Composition                         History of PaCIS
March 2011 PaCIS Steering Committee Meeting                         PaCIS Flyer                         For more information, contact: John Marra