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Local BLM Resource Advisory Council group photo, Colorado, BLM photo

Apply for an Advisory Committee Appointment

Thank you for your interest in serving on one of our 30 Resource Advisory Councils (RAC) or on one of our 6 advisory committees for National Conservation Lands. If you decide to serve, your participation will help your community; allow you to meet with decisionmakers and be part of the decisionmaking process; engage your interests; and broaden your professional experience.

Review Appointment Types and Requirements

To be eligible for appointment to an advisory committee, a person must be qualified through education, training, knowledge, or experience. The applicant must also reside in the state in which the advisory committee is established.

RAC members are appointed to represent three categories of stakeholders:

  • Commodity interests (i.e. holders of Federal grazing permits; Transportation/Rights-of-Way; Developed Outdoor Recreation, OHV Use, or commercial recreation; commercial timber industry; or energy and mineral development),
  • Non-commodity interests (i.e. National/Regional Environmental Interests; Dispersed Recreation Activities; Archaeological/Historical Interests; or National/Regional Wild Horse and Burro Groups), and
  • Public interests (i.e. State, County, Local Elected Officials; State Natural Resource Agency; Native American Tribal Interests; Academicians in Natural Resources; or the Public-at-Large).  

RAC members do not represent their own interests, but represent the interests of the constituency group they represent. Membership on special advisory committees for National Conservation Lands is determined by the laws which established them, which also appear in their charters.

Find RAC Opportunities

You can find advisory committee vacancies advertised in the Federal Register, on the BLM website (, and through a variety of media outlets. Announcements contain current advisory committee openings, local points of contact, and detailed application procedures.  

Complete the RAC Application Process 

In general, 1) you must submit a completed application which is available through the BLM website or your local BLM office within the "open" period; 2) you must supply letters of reference demonstrating your ability to represent the specific interest area(s) for which you are applying; and, 3) you must document examples of your commitment to collaborative decisionmaking.

The local BLM office compiles and reviews all applications in consultation with the State Governor. After endorsement by the local BLM office, all applications are sent to the BLM Headquarters Office in Washington, D.C., for approval by the BLM Director and the Secretary of the Interior. Final appointments are made by the Secretary of the Interior.

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RAC Application

Download the Resource Advisory Council application here.

Point of Contact

Twinkle Thompson, Acting National RAC Coordinator


For state RAC contacts, visit the webpage of a RAC near you.