Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA)

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The Economics and Statistics Administration (ESA) provides timely economic analysis, disseminates national economic indicators, and serves as the administrator of the Department’s premiere statistical programs.  ESA manages the U.S. Census Bureau (Census), the Bureau of Economic Analysis (BEA), and the Office of the Chief Economist (OCE). Census collects, BEA compiles and OCE analyzes the most comprehensive, consistent, confidential, credible and publicly available socio economic data on our nation’s economy, businesses and individuals.

Through these efforts, ESA produces in-depth reports, fact sheets, and briefings on economic policy issues and current economic events.  These analyses, ranging from economic policy and economic outlook to initiatives of major trading partners, inform the White House and interagency deliberations. Indeed, policymakers across all branches of federal, state and local government, as well as businesses and the American public, rely upon ESA’s expert statisticians, economists and analysts to inform economic policy and business decisions.

Here are links to recent important work products:


Deputy Under Secretary of Economic Affairs


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