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  • Division of Enforcement

    Aitan Goelman, Director
    Gretchen Lowe, Principal Deputy Director
    Rick Glaser, Deputy Director
    Paul Hayeck, Deputy Director
    Rosemary Hollinger, Deputy Director
    Joan Manley, Deputy Director
    Charles Marvine, Deputy Director
    Manal Sultan, Deputy Director
    Christopher Ehrman, Director (Whistleblower Office)

    The Division of Enforcement investigates and prosecutes alleged violations of the Commodity Exchange Act (CEA or Act) and Commission regulations. For example, the Division brings enforcement actions against: individuals and firms registered with the Commission; those who violate these laws in connection with their trading commodity futures and options on designated domestic exchanges; those who improperly market futures and options contracts to retail investors or perpetrate Ponzi schemes; those who use manipulative or deceptive schemes in connection with commodities, futures or swaps; and those who engage in disruptive trading practices. The Division undertakes these activities under the management and direction of the Office of the Director. More....

    Division of Enforcement

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    If you have been the victim of fraud, or received a solicitation you believe to be fraudulent, contact the Division of Enforcement.

    Are you a trader? Learn how to protect yourself from fraud.

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