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Help NIAID help people who are suffering from chronic, serious, or life-threatening illnesses by volunteering for NIAID clinical studies. See the list of featured NIAID clinical trials below or view the complete list of NIAID studies recruiting participants on


Idiopathic anaphylaxis (IA) is a condition in which anaphylaxis occurs without any known external trigger. Volunteer participants in this study will help NIH researchers try to identify the cause and development of IA.


NIAID is committed to advancing the understanding of how and why autoimmune diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis occur.


This study aims to establish whether defects in immune cell function are shared across multiple autoimmune diseases and whether those problems match to similar genes in the cells. Researchers want to learn why some people with asthma need to take a lot more medication than other people with the disease.


This is a two-part NIAID study to investigate the effect of intravenous Alpha-1 Antitrypsin (AAT) on preserving insulin-producing beta cell function and to determine if AAT will help slow the progression of type 1 diabetes.

Flu (Influenza)

You can join the fight against influenza (flu) by volunteering to participate in a clinical study. There is no charge for study-related medical care, including study visits, medications, treatments, and procedures. Volunteers may be compensated for time and travel.


You can help NIAID advance hepatitis research by volunteering to participate in a clinical study.


People with HIV are at increased risk for non-infectious complications, including cardiovascular disease. The purpose of the ECSTATIN study is to see how aspirin (a medicine to decrease clotting) or statins (medications given to lower cholesterol and reduce inflammation) affect inflammation and clotting in people with HIV.

A small group of people who are HIV positive remain healthy for long periods of time without medications. These Long-Term Non-Progressors have properties within their immune systems that control the virus and can help researchers determine how their immune systems control HIV disease.

NIAID is committed to conducting the research necessary to confront HIV/AIDS. Volunteer participation in a clinical research study helps NIAID better understand HIV, find promising new tools to prevent HIV infection including a vaccine, and develop new and more effective treatment strategies.


Urticaria is an itchy skin disorder that may occur spontaneously or after exposure to a physical trigger. This NIAID study is investigating why some people get hives after physical triggers such as cold, heat, water, exercise, pressure or vibration.

Inflammatory Bowel Diseases

This study is testing the safety and effectiveness of an experimental therapy, bone marrow stromal cells, for treating moderate to severe inflammatory bowel diseases.

The goals of this NIAID study are to learn more about genetic and immune factors that contribute to inflammatory bowel disease and gather information that may lead to better treatment options.


Lupus is an autoimmune disease charaterized by inflammation of different tissues of the body. The most common type of lupus is systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). Women are at far greater risk than men of developing lupus, and SLE disproportionately affects minority populations.

Other Studies

NIAID researchers are investigating the acquired causes of bronchiectasis, which is characterized by enlarged airways that are chronically infected with bacteria and predisposes people to infection.

This NIAID study is investigating why some people who are healthy and have normal immune function become infected with cryptococcosis.

The FUNGI study is looking for people who have developed invasive fungal infections (IFIs), such as aspergillosis, without any prior immune system problems and people with autoimmune endocrinopathy-candidiasis-ectodermal dystrophy (APECED) syndrome.

This study evaluates the safety and effectiveness of the drug ustekinumab for people with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID) with gastrointestinal inflammation. Ustekinumab is currently approved by the FDA to treat other autoimmune disorders.

This study seeks patients who are thought to have normal immune systems, but who have been diagnosed with a viral infection that is unusually severe, prolonged, or persistent. This study will evaluate the participants’ immune systems to determine why the infection developed.

Rare Diseases

This trial will determine if rituximab, an immunotherapy, has a marked beneficial effect on clinical disease progression, with minimal toxicity, in patients with SSc-PAH when compared to placebo.

Tickborne Illnesses

If you suspect that you have Lyme disease, you may be eligible to participate in an NIAID research study.