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Hiker standing on Taylor Peak looking out over the Fortymile Wild and Scenic River with the midnight sun on the horizon.

Alaska Recreation Partnerships

The BLM in Alaska has long depended on working with others, through partnerships, to enhance public lands and to carry out internship, education, interpretation, and trail project opportunities. Working with partners, including government agencies, schools, businesses, and community organizations, on a continual basis strengthens the connections to Alaska. From every corner of the state, the BLM has partnered to accomplish scientific studies, teaching the next generation about the importance of land stewardship, and educating the public on the significance of an area or resource. When the work is too great, we call on our partners to get the trail built or fixed and the bridge made.


Two Servicemen hold up their Arctic Graylings
Two Servicemen hold up their Arctic Graylings while fishing during Project Healing Waters event at Tangle Lakes. (Photo by Matthew Vos).