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Sunset over BLM Utah lands. Photo by Bob Wick, BLM.

BLM Socioeconomics Program 

BLM public lands provide vital contributions to the nation’s economic and social well-being. Our Socioeconomics Program uses social science research, methods, and data from multiple disciplines -- such as anthropology and economics -- to understand the human dimensions of public land management.

The Socioeconomics Program informs the BLM's planning and NEPA processes as well as agency initiatives such as climate change, ecosystem services, and environmental justice.

Socioeconomic Impacts

Screen shot of the BLM's Sound Investment for America reportThe public lands managed by the BLM contribute significant benefits for the nation. Each year, the Socioeconomics Program collects and analyzes socioeconomic data. 

To learn more about the economic contributions of public land managed by the BLM, download The BLM: Sound Investment for America 2016.

Socioeconomic Program Goals

The Socioeconomics Program aims to improve land use planning through three goals.

  • Goal 1: Ensure that the BLM’s socioeconomic capabilities support legal mandates, management priorities, and program needs
  • Goal 2: Manage the BLM’s internal and external socioeconomic capabilities to provide sound and cost-effective support for offices and programs.
  • Goal 3: Ensure that BLM employees can obtain and apply sound socioeconomic information relevant to their programs.

Read about those goals in our Socioeconomics Strategic Plan. 

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Point of Contact

National Socioeconomics Lead
Rob Winthrop


Telephone: 202-912-7287