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Coal to Liquids

Major General Allen Tackett of the National Guard's 130th Airlift Wing dispenses the first fill-up of hydrogen fuel from the Yeager facility. Located in Charleston, WV, the Yeager facility was constructed and operated with support from the Office of Fossil Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory.

Major General Allen Tackett of the National Guard's 130th Airlift Wing dispenses the first fill-up of hydrogen fuel from the Yeager facility. Located in Charleston, WV, the Yeager facility was constructed and operated with support from the Office of Fossil Energy’s National Energy Technology Laboratory.

The Hydrogen and Clean Coal Fuels Program supports DOE’s strategic goals of increasing energy security, reducing environmental impact of energy use, promoting economic development, and encouraging scientific discovery and innovation by researching and developing novel technologies that convert the nation’s abundant coal resources into hydrogen and other clean fuels. The use of coal — America’s largest domestic fossil energy resource — offers the potential to economically produce hydrogen and capture carbon dioxide emissions for the generation of low-carbon electricity. In a co-production concept, coal can also be converted into power and other fuels such as gasoline, diesel and aviation fuel; chemicals; and substitute natural gas (SNG) which can help reduce reliance on imported oil and natural gas. Carbon capture and storage can be integrated with these processes and, because these processes typically utilize gasification, biomass can be co-utilized to further reduce the carbon footprint while allowing biomass to take advantage of the economies of scale associated with coal.  

As part of DOE's overall effort to research, develop, and demonstrate novel technologies to produce hydrogen for clean power and low-carbon fuels, the Hydrogen and Clean Coal Fuels Program is composed of three key elements:

Hydrogen Production from Coal. America’s abundant coal resources offer an attractive option for producing hydrogen to meet the goal of affordable, low-carbon power.  The Hydrogen and Clean Coal Fuels Program is investigating innovative technologies and methods to produce, deliver, and utilize hydrogen from coal. 

Other Low-Carbon Fuel Alternatives from Coal. Liquid fuels, chemicals, and SNG can be produced from coal and coal-biomass to reduce reliance on imports while also addressing CO2 emissions. 

Systems Analysis. Systems analysis provides guidance and support for the Hydrogen and Clean Coal Fuels Program by analyzing, measuring, and validating the progress and benefits of the Program’s R&D portfolio.