Justice Management Division

Justice Management Division

Main RFK Building

Meet the Director

Meet the Assistant Attorney General

Photo of Lee J. Lofthus
Assistant Attorney General for Administration

Lee Lofthus was appointed as Assistant Attorney General for Administration on December 15, 2006.


The Justice Management Division (JMD) provides senior management officials with advice relating to basic Department policy for budget and financial management, personnel management and training, procurement, ethics, equal employment opportunity, information processing, telecommunications, security, and all matters pertaining to organization, management, and administration.

History and Functions

In 1973 Attorney General Elliot Richardson proposed to strengthen the Justice Department’s staff capability in the areas of management and finance by establishing the Office of Management and Finance. In 1979 Attorney General Benjamin Civiletti eliminated the Office of Management and Finance and created the Justice Management Division (JMD).

JMD is the principal organizational unit responsible for management and administrative support in the Department of Justice. Much of the work of this Division is internal facing and works to make sure that the infrastructure is in place so that all other components of the Department can complete the more visible Departmental work. Under the direction of the Assistant Attorney General for Administration (AAG/A), JMD provides Department-wide policy guidance to the Department's offices, boards, divisions and, to a limited extent, its bureaus. The Division has four key areas of responsibility:

Fiscal responsibility 
Human resources management 
Information resources and management
Policy, management and planning
General Information Justice Management Division

Lee J. Lofthus
Assistant Attorney General for Administration


Justice Management Division
(202) 514-3101