
CSS current work & how to participate

CSS spec­i­fi­ca­tions

This page contains a list of all completed specifications and drafts by the CSS WG (formerly “CSS & FP WG”). If you want to follow the development of CSS3, this is the place to start. You have ideas? Contributions? See “If you want to help” on this page.

A specification is not a manual. There is no excuse for badly written drafts and please complain if you find one. But specs do target a specific audience. See fantasai's Understanding the CSS Specifications.. J. David Eisenberg has written another useful How to read W3C specs. Or you can read about “modules,” “levels,” “snapshots” and the CSS process.

What's new? (Also available as Atom news feed.)

Ta­ble of spec­i­fi­ca­tions

Ordered from most to least stable:

Com­pleted Cur­rent Up­com­ing Notes ℹ⃝
CSS Snapshot 2010 NOTE ℹ⃝
CSS Snapshot 2007 NOTE ℹ⃝
CSS Color Level 3 REC REC See Errata ℹ⃝
CSS Namespaces REC REC ℹ⃝
Selectors Level 3 REC REC ℹ⃝
CSS Level 2 Revision 1 REC REC See Errata ℹ⃝
CSS Level 1 REC Unmaintained, see Snapshot ℹ⃝
Media Queries REC REC ℹ⃝
CSS Style Attributes REC REC ℹ⃝
Stable Cur­rent Up­com­ing Notes ℹ⃝
CSS Backgrounds and Borders Level 3 CR PR ℹ⃝
CSS Conditional Rules Level 3 CR CR ℹ⃝
CSS Multi-column Layout CR CR ℹ⃝
CSS Values and Units Level 3 CR PR ℹ⃝
CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 3 CR PR ℹ⃝
CSS Snapshot 2015 NOTE Latest stable CSS ℹ⃝
Testing Cur­rent Up­com­ing Notes ℹ⃝
CSS Image Values and Replaced Content Level 3 CR CR ℹ⃝
CSS Speech CR CR ℹ⃝
CSS Flexible Box Layout CR PR ℹ⃝
CSS Text Decoration Module Level 3 CR CR ℹ⃝
CSS Fonts Level 3 CR CR ℹ⃝
CSS Writing Modes Level 3 CR CR ℹ⃝
CSS Shapes Level 1 CR CR ℹ⃝
CSS Masking Level 1 CR CR ℹ⃝
CSS Counter Styles Level 3 CR PR ℹ⃝
CSS Fragmentation Level 3 CR PR ℹ⃝
Compositing and Blending Level 1 CR CR ℹ⃝
CSS Syntax Level 3 CR CR ℹ⃝
CSS Grid Layout Level 1 CR PR ℹ⃝
CSS Basic User Interface Level 3 CR CR ℹ⃝
Geometry Interfaces Module Level 1 CR CR ℹ⃝
CSS Cascading and Inheritance Level 4 CR PR ℹ⃝
CSS Scroll Snap Module Level 1 CR PR ℹ⃝
Refining Cur­rent Up­com­ing Notes ℹ⃝
CSS Animations WD WD ℹ⃝
Web Animations 1.0 WD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Text Level 3 LC CR ℹ⃝
CSS Transforms WD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Transitions WD CR ℹ⃝
CSS Cascading Variables CR PR ℹ⃝
CSS Box Alignment Module Level 3 WD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Will Change Level 1 CR PR ℹ⃝
CSS Level 2 Revision 2 FPWD CR ℹ⃝
Revising Cur­rent Up­com­ing Notes ℹ⃝
CSS Paged Media Level 3 WD WD ℹ⃝
Selectors Level 4 WD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Intrinsic & Extrinsic Sizing Module Level 3 WD CR ℹ⃝
CSS Overflow Level 3 FPWD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Display Level 3 WD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Pseudo-Elements Module Level 4 FPWD WD ℹ⃝
Exploring Cur­rent Up­com­ing Notes ℹ⃝
CSS Backgrounds and Borders Level 4 WD ℹ⃝
CSS Device Adaptation WD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Exclusions WD WD ℹ⃝
Filter Effects WD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Generated Content for Paged Media WD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Page Floats FPWD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Template Layout NOTE NOTE ℹ⃝
CSS Line Grid WD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Lists Level 3 WD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Positioned Layout Level 3 WD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Regions WD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Ruby Level 1 WD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Tables Level 3 FPWD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Object Model WD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Font Loading LC WD ℹ⃝
CSS Scoping Level 1 FPWD WD ℹ⃝
Media Queries level 4 WD WD ℹ⃝
Non-element Selectors FPWD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Inline Layout Module Level 3 WD WD ℹ⃝
Motion Path Module Level 1 FPWD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Round Display Level 1 WD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Basic User Interface Module Level 4 FPWD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Text Module Level 4 FPWD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Painting API Level 1 FPWD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Properties and Values API Level 1 FPWD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Typed OM Level 1 FPWD WD ℹ⃝
Worklets Level 1 FPWD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Color Module Level 4 FPWD WD ℹ⃝
CSS Fonts Level 4 WD ℹ⃝
CSS Level 2 Revision 3 WD ℹ⃝
Rewriting Cur­rent Up­com­ing Notes ℹ⃝
CSS Basic Box Model Level 3 WD WD Dangerously outdated; see CSS 2.1 ℹ⃝
CSS Generated Content Level 3 FPWD WD ℹ⃝
Abandoned Cur­rent Up­com­ing Notes ℹ⃝
CSS Mobile Profile 2.0 NOTE ℹ⃝
The CSS 'Reader' Media Type NOTE ℹ⃝
CSS Presentation Levels NOTE ℹ⃝
CSS TV Profile 1.0 NOTE ℹ⃝
CSS Marquee NOTE ℹ⃝
Behavioral Extensions to CSS NOTE ℹ⃝
Fullscreen NOTE ℹ⃝

Some related specifications by other Working Groups:

Title Cur­rent Notes
Predefined Counter Styles WD I18N WG
CSS Techniques for Web Content Accessibility Guidelines 1.0 NOTE WCAG WG
Associating Style Sheets with XML documents 1.0 (Second Edition) REC XML Core WG
The 'view-mode' Media Feature REC Web Applications WG
Selectors API Level 1 REC Web Applications WG
Selectors API Level 2 NOTE Web Applications WG

See also: Jens Meiert's index of properties.

People who are reviewing CSS drafts might be interested in these indexes that include both official and editors' drafts: properties [HTML] [TSV] [XML] [JSON] and descriptors [HTML] [TSV] [XML] [JSON].

Ex­pla­na­tion of col­ors & status codes

W3C indicates the maturity of specifications by a status code. The CSS working group uses the following, from least to most stable:

Ab­bre­vi­a­tion Full name
WD Working Draft
LC Last Call
CR Candidate Recommendation
PR Proposed Recommendation
REC Recommendation

The names are defined in sections 7.3 and 7.4 of the W3C process document. A REC is what is normally referred to as a “standard.” W3C encourages everyday use starting from CR.

The informal stability levels used to group the specs are defined in this 2007 description of CSS stability levels.

If you want to help

Everybody can take part in the discussions on the archived mailing list You can subscribe yourself. This is the preferred place for discussions, because the members of the working group will see them. Please, don't use this list for questions of the type How do I… Use comp. infosystems. www. authoring. stylesheets ("ciwas") or see “Learning CSS”.

On the mailing list, you will be talking to many people, many very busy people. Before you post, please, search the archive to see if your great idea has maybe already been discussed. Follow the usual netiquette and W3C's policies on spam, attachments, etc.

If you are sending comments on a specific CSS module, please prefix the subject of your message with the appropriate spec code (given in the “Status of this document” section) in brackets, e.g. “[css3-flexbox] error in margin calculations”. This will help the editors find and track your comments.

Laurens Holst (a.k.a. “Grauw”) maintains an FAQ for www-style. (For additions, please, contact Laurens directly. Laurens is not associated with W3C.)

You can also raise issues via GitHub. Github contains copies of the editors' drafts of the CSS specifications and “Houdini” APIs.

Birkir Gunnarsson wrote a helpful guide Mastering GitHub with a screen reader, part 1.

If you work for a W3C member organization, you can also join the CSS working group and come to its meetings. To participate, you need to commit to (on average) 1 day per week. Contact me (Bert Bos) or your organization's W3C contact person. The group's minutes are public and posted on the CSS WG blog.

About the test suites

The CSS working group intends to spend a lot of time on developing the CSS test suites along with the CSS specifications. By providing a test suite for each module as soon as the module is published, we hope not only that CSS3 implementations will conform to the specification much earlier, but also that people will have an easier time understanding the formal text of the spec.

The test suites have their own archived mailing list Please send error reports, test case submissions, and any other questions and comments about the CSS test suites there. Elika Etemad maintains the CSS Testing Wiki with more info for contributors.

Raising issues via GitHub is also possible: see the CSS test repository.

Mark-up con­ven­tions

The source mark-up of the specifications follows certain conventions (which is useful for automatic processing).

Bert Bos, style activity lead
Copyright © 1994–2016 W3C®

Last updated Wed 14 Dec 2016 04:16:07 PM UTC


About the translations