This year's Know the Coast open house was a two-day event. The Chase Ocean Engineering Lab hosted 500 students on Friday, then opened its doors to the public on Saturday so that people could come and meet our researchers and see all of the cool stuff we do. A good time was had by all!

Images from the AUV Bootcamp: carrying the GAVIA AUV up the ramp at the pier, launching the AUV over the side of the survey vessel, the group looking at the data on laptops around a large table under the tent.

In August, more than 20 people came to New Hampshire for the AUV Bootcamp, a week-long annual workshop where scientists and professionals from around the world gather to develop and improve AUV methods.

Images from the 12-02 Healy cruise: a map of Healy's trackline, polar bear mom and cub, Little Diomede Island, crew members with the dredge bucket on the deck.

CCOM researchers who were part of an international science team on a five-week expedition aboard the U.S. Coast Guard Cutter Healy have returned from the Arctic. The cruise was a great success and they accomplished their mission to map the seafloor and collect data to help define the outer limits of the U.S. continental shelf. Stay tuned for data, images, and a cruise report but, in the meantime, read co-chief scientist Capt. Andy Armstrong's notes from the Arctic!

CCOM Director Larry Mayer is the chief scientist for the Eratosthenes Leg of the E/V Nautilus's 2012 season.

CCOM Research Assistant Professor Jonathan Beaudoin was aboard the Schmidt Ocean Institute's research vessel, Falkor last month. During planned functional performance testing of the mutibeam mapping echosounders, the science team discovered the polar expedition vessel, S.S. Terra Nova, which sunk off the southern coast of Greenland in September 1943. (Image credit: Schmidt Ocean Institute)


Campus Journal
Jan. 23, 2013

During three decades of ocean exploration, Larry Mayer has made great discoveries and revealed the mysteries of the seafloor.

UNH Today
Jan. 17, 2013

CCOM researchers Larry Mayer and Tom Weber are co-authors on a PNAS (Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences) article that describes the various approaches that aimed to determine the integrity of safely shutting the Macondo Well. Here they share lessons learned from the Deepwater Horizon oil spill in 2010.

Sea Technology Magazine
Oct. 31, 2012

Larry Mayer and Andy Armstrong are coauthors of an article describing how they overcame challenges to collect bathymetric data during the 1102 HEALY mission.

Upcoming and Recent Seminars

James Irish
Research Professor


Friday, Feb. 15, 2013, 3:00pm
John Weber
Ocean Planning Director

Northeast Regional Ocean Council

Friday, Feb. 1, 2013, 3:00pm
John K. Hall

Geological Survey of Israel, Retired

Monday, Jan. 28, 2013, 3:15pm

Spotlight on...

Andy McLeod comes to work everyday to fix things, design things and build things―all to further the Center's research.