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Column Name: REL_SECD_YR_QTY

Description: The total amount (in pounds) of the toxic chemical expected to be released by the facility to all environmental media both on and off site during the calendar year (January 1 - December 31) two years following the year for which the report was submitted. This includes air emissions, discharges to water bodies, underground injection, and land disposal on site (all releases reported in section 5). It also includes transfers of the toxic chemical offsite for disposal (transfers reported in secti on 6.2 which are classified with a disposal waste management code) and amounts of metals transferred to POTWs (metals reported in 6.1).

Envirofacts Table Name(s):
Data Source:
  • Data Element:
  • ADABAS File:

  • Type:NUMBER
  • Length:21

Definition Source:TRI Data Dictionary

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