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CHIPS Articles: New Navy OPSEC App is Out

New Navy OPSEC App is Out
By Mass Communication Specialist 2nd Class (SW/AW/IDW) David R. Finley Jr., Commander, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. 10th Fleet Public Affairs - October-December 2015
FORT GEORGE G. MEADE, Md. (NNS) -- The Navy released its new mobile Operations Security app designed to make annual training requirements more accessible to Sailors December 3.

The Naval OPSEC Support Team (NOST) from Navy Information Operations Command (NIOC) Norfolk, worked closely with Navy Education and Training Center (NETC), Sea Warrior Program (PMW 240) and TRACEN Technologies to develop the app.

Sailors can not only complete required training on the OPSEC app, but also access related resources and policies.

"Practicing OPSEC and understanding the OPSEC process will facilitate protecting critical information," said Jim Magdalenski, director of the Naval OPSEC Support Team. "If shared or not protected, we leave this information vulnerable to adversary collection and aggregation, which could result in actions taken against us and ultimately result in mission failure or even worse, loss of life."

Military family members play an active role in OPSEC and are responsible for protecting unclassified critical information.

"One of the biggest benefits for this particular app is that family members can also access the information and complete the training, if they desire," said Magdalenski. "Family members play a vital role in protecting critical information, and also are the groups most frequently requesting OPSEC training briefs."

The app gives Sailors an alternative to completing their required GMT.

Upon completing the training, Sailors and DON civilians will be given instruction on how to automatically update their electronic training jackets. Updates occur within two days.

"OPSEC Officers will have all the appropriate reference material at their fingertips to enhance their ship or shore command programs," said Magdalenski. "The ultimate goal is persistent training and educating for Sailors, civilians and family on OPSEC, ultimately enhancing the readiness of the Navy."

The OPSEC app features:

* Policy/Guidance: Includes Joint, DOD, Navy and Marine Corps Policies; Navy Tactics, Techniques, and Procedures; Marine Corps Warfighting Publication; and handbooks.

* Training: Features links to three computer-based training modules, as well as information on courses offered by the Naval OPSEC Support Team Norfolk and other OPSEC agencies. This includes "Uncle Sam's OPSEC" (USOPSEC), a 14-section GMT video-based course designed to educate service members and their families on vulnerabilities and risks associated with sharing too much information, particularly on social media sites and via mobile devices.

* Products: Includes training videos/links on a multitude of OPSEC topics, training briefs, smart cards that provide synthesized information and best practices at a quick glance, and brochures and posters to assist OPSEC program managers.

* Assessments: Features information and resources to assist OPSEC program managers on how to conduct OPSEC assessments at their command. A step-by-step guide, briefing tools, assessment checklists, sample questionnaires, and instructions are included.

* Favorites/FAQs: Highlight parts of the App the user finds most valuable. The Frequently Asked Questions module addresses some of the most common and prevalent OPSEC issues affecting DON personnel today, like spear phishing, social engineering, and computer hacking.

The Naval OPSEC Support Team (NOST), located at Navy Information Operations Command (NIOC) Norfolk, provides command OPSEC program development, awareness resources, assessment assistance, guidance and support training that promotes an understanding of OPSEC among both active duty and dependent personnel. The NOST supports these programs worldwide through a one-stop website for reach-back support to improve capabilities that strengthen war fighting effectiveness.

To find the free Navy OPSEC app, search "Naval OPSEC" in the app stores or your web browser.

Navy Information Operations Command Norfolk serves as the Navy's Center of Excellence for Information Operations (IO). NIOC Norfolk advances Information Operations war fighting capabilities for Naval and Joint Forces by providing operationally focused training and planning support; developing doctrine, tactics, techniques, and procedures; advocating requirements in support of future effects-based warfare; and managing functional data for Information Operations.

U.S. Fleet Cyber Command serves as the Navy component command to U.S. Strategic Command and U.S. Cyber Command, and the Navy's Service Cryptologic Component commander under the National Security Agency/Central Security Service. Fleet Cyber Command also reports directly to the Chief of Naval Operations as an echelon II command.

U.S. 10th Fleet is the operational arm of Fleet Cyber Command and executes its mission through a task force structure.

For more news from Commander, U.S. Fleet Cyber Command/U.S. 10th Fleet, visit

Operations Security (OPSEC) as a concept is probably as old as war itself. Nevertheless, the fact that poor OPSEC practices have been costly in loss of human life and lost objectives in every American war demonstrates that, despite its venerated age, Operations Security as a doctrine needs to be learned afresh by each generation.
Operations Security (OPSEC) as a concept is probably as old as war itself. Nevertheless, the fact that poor OPSEC practices have been costly in loss of human life and lost objectives in every American war demonstrates that, despite its venerated age, Operations Security as a doctrine needs to be learned afresh by each generation.

Want to know how to better protect your family, fellow service members, and mission from potential adversaries? The U.S. Navys OPSEC App is an all-in-one Operations Security reference, training and education tool for Department of Navy (DoN) personnel and their family members. This app consolidates all relevant DoN OPSEC policies, references, tools, and training aids into one convenient, easy-to-use application for your mobile device. This is your one-stop OPSEC shop!
Want to know how to better protect your family, fellow service members, and mission from potential adversaries? The U.S. Navys OPSEC App is an all-in-one Operations Security reference, training and education tool for Department of Navy (DoN) personnel and their family members. This app consolidates all relevant DoN OPSEC policies, references, tools, and training aids into one convenient, easy-to-use application for your mobile device. This is your one-stop OPSEC shop!

Want to know how to better protect your family, fellow service members, and mission from potential adversaries? The U.S. Navy's OPSEC App is an all-in-one Operations Security reference, training and education tool for Department of Navy (DoN) personnel and their family members. This app consolidates all relevant DoN OPSEC policies, references, tools, and training aids into one convenient, easy-to-use application for your mobile device. This is your one-stop OPSEC shop!
Want to know how to better protect your family, fellow service members, and mission from potential adversaries? The U.S. Navy's OPSEC App is an all-in-one Operations Security reference, training and education tool for Department of Navy (DoN) personnel and their family members. This app consolidates all relevant DoN OPSEC policies, references, tools, and training aids into one convenient, easy-to-use application for your mobile device. This is your one-stop OPSEC shop!
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CHIPS is an official U.S. Navy website sponsored by the Department of the Navy (DON) Chief Information Officer, the Department of Defense Enterprise Software Initiative (ESI) and the DON's ESI Software Product Manager Team at Space and Naval Warfare Systems Center Pacific.

Online ISSN 2154-1779; Print ISSN 1047-9988