
Goldfield HMA

Location: The Goldfield Herd Management Area (HMA) is located east of the town of Goldfield, Nevada, in Nye and Esmeralda counties. 

Size: The area consists of 52,965 acres of BLM land and 9,402 acres of a mix of private and other public lands for a total of 62,367 acres.

Topography/Vegetation: The Goldfield Herd Management Area (HMA)spans an area 10 miles wide and 17 miles long. The elevations in this HMA range from 6,590 on Preble Mountain to a low of 5,085 feet at the south end near the Stonewall HMA. The HMA has a very dry climate with only 5 to 8 inches of precipitation falling in the hills. This HMA provides suitable habitat for wild burros, but not for wild horses.This HMA is in a transition zone between the Great Basin (cold desert) and the Mojave Desert (hot desert). Common shrubs include smooth horsebrush, spiny menodora, burrobrush, green ephedra, Greene rabbitbrush, and fourwing saltbush. Many of these species are not palatable to wild horses, but wild burros appear to be able to thrive on a variety of plant species. The only trees in the area are Joshua trees. 

AML:  22-37