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Mirant Potomac River, LLC, Monthly Model Evaluation Study Report, November 2006

Docket No. EO-05-01. Order No. 202-07-02: As you are aware, Mirant Potomac River, L.L.C, (Mirant) is operating per the terms and conditions of the Administrative Compliance Order (ACO) dated June 1, 2006. Under the terms of ACO, Mirant is to deliver a monthly report to include: (1) the modeled input files and results of the daily Predictive Modeling for the preceding month, including the hourly average heat input in the MMBtu for each unit and the exit velocity (or exhaust volume) for each unit; (2) verification that the planned Operating Parameters utilized for Predictive Modeling in the preceding month were not exceeded, or if exceeded, documentation describing that exceedance: (3) the inputs and results of the "follow-up" modeling for the preceding month (or portion thereof during which all Monitors were not in place), including the hourly average heat input in MMBtu for each unit and the exit velocity (or exhaust volume) for each unit; and (4) after installation of the Monitors, the data generated by the Monitors.
As a result, please see the attached submission, "Mirant Potomac River, LLC Monthly Model Evaluation Study Report" for the month of November 2006.