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Letter from the Department of Energy to the District of Columbia Public Service Commission RE Docket No. EO-05-01

Docket No. EO-05-01. PEPCO has informed DOE that the first new 230 kV line is expected to be completed by June 2, 2007. The outage for the second new 230 kV line is expected to begin immediately following completion of the first line and is scheduled to last six days. Thus, both of the new lines should be complete by July 1,2007, the expiration date of the DOE Order. As DOE stated in Order No. 202-05-3, and reiterated in Order No. 202-07- 2, "once completed, [the new 230 kV transmission lines] apparently would provide a high level of electric reliability in the Cenlral D.C. area, even in the absence of production from the Plant." Therefore, the Department's current expectation is that there will be no need for an extension of Order No. 202-07-2 beyond its expiration date of July 1,2007, assuming the two lines are completed by that date.