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Region 1: EPA New England

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NetDMR in New England

What is NetDMR?

NetDMR is a freely available Web based tool that allows National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permittees to electronically sign and submit their discharge monitoring reports (DMRs) to EPA via a secure internet connection. NetDMR is designed to improve data quality, save paper, and provide cost savings for permittees and regulators. An essential component of NetDMR is the exchange of data that allows permittees to complete a DMR that is specific to their permit limits and outfalls which then gets directly transferred electronically to EPA's data exchange network (ICIS-NPDES) upon submittal. Under EPA's NPDES Electronic Reporting Rule all facilities required to complete a DMR will need to do so electronically using NetDMR by December 21, 2016.

Who Can Report?

NPDES permittees that are required to submit DMRs as a result of a NPDES permit issued to a facility in New Hampshire and Massachusetts need to use NetDMR to submit their DMRs and other permit-required reports electronically to EPA Region 1, the New Hampshire Department of Environmental Services and the Massachusetts Department of Environmental Protection. Once approved, a facility in New Hampshire and Massachusetts needs to begin submitting their DMRs electronically through the EPA Region 1- New Hampshire and Massachusetts NetDMR Instance. Questions about the use of NetDMR in EPA Region 1 should be sent to R1.NetDMR@epa.gov.

Connecticut, Maine and Rhode Island are also implementing their own DMR electronic reporting programs using NetDMR. Facilities in these states with questions about NetDMR should contact the following individuals for more information:

CT - Suzette Flecha (suzette.flecha@ct.gov)

ME – Rebecca Beam (rebecca.m.beam@maine.gov)

RI - Aaron Mello (aaron.mello@dem.ri.gov)

Vermont is currently developing its own electronic DMR system and facilities with questions should contact:

VT – Amber van Zuilen (amber.vanzuilen@vermont.gov)

How Do I Get Started?

  • Go to the NetDMR national website to learn more about NetDMR and to see whether your permit is available for reporting in NetDMR.
  • Determine if you can meet NetDMR system requirements.
  • Complete the online NetDMR training for permittees found at https://netdmr.zendesk.com/entries/44942194-Training-Materials
  • Determine who the Signatory Authority will be, have this individual be the 1st person to set their account up in NetDMR and complete/print out their Subscriber Agreement
  • Get Responsible Official (for a corporation this is a corporate officer, for a municipality this is a ranking elected or appointed town official) and Duly Authorized Representative (if applicable) to sign Subscriber Agreement
  • Mail original signed Subscriber Agreement to EPA Region 1
  • Await EPA approval (issued through email) of Subscriber Agreement
  • Begin submitting your DMRs electronically through the EPA Region 1- New Hampshire and Massachusetts NetDMR Instance.

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