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CHIPS Articles: NAVIDFOR Changes Name to Naval Information Forces

NAVIDFOR Changes Name to Naval Information Forces
By NAVIFOR Public Affairs - February 10, 2016
SUFFOLK, Va. (NNS) -- Rear Adm. Matthew J. Kohler, commander, Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR) announced last month that Navy Information Dominance Forces is changing its name to Naval Information Forces.

The change comes after Deputy Chief of Naval Operations for Information Warfare and Director of Naval Intelligence Vice Adm. Ted Branch replaced the term "information dominance" with "information warfare".

"We changed our name to better align with the new nomenclature of 'information warfare,' versus the old term of information dominance,'" said Kohler. "The name change is consistent with the naming conventions in place with the other type commanders and also reflects our efforts to further advance and ingrain information warfare readiness and capabilities across the fleet and Navy."

Both Branch and Kohler's changes were in response to Chief of Naval Operations Adm. John Richardson's Jan. 5 release of 'A Design for Maintaining Maritime Superiority.' The 10 page document addresses how the Navy will adapt to changes in the security environment and be ready to conduct prompt and sustained combat incident to operations at sea. The document emphasizes "information IN warfare" and "information AS warfare" and demands the delivery of information warfare as a critical capability of the Navy's mission sets.

NAVIFOR's mission is to support operational commanders ashore and afloat by providing combat-ready information warfare forces, which are forward deployable, fully trained, properly manned, capably equipped, always ready, well maintained and combat sustainable.

For more news from Navy Information Dominance Forces, visit

Rear Adm. Matthew J. Kohler, commander, Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR) announced last month that Navy Information Dominance Forces is changing its name to Naval Information Forces.
Rear Adm. Matthew J. Kohler, commander, Naval Information Forces (NAVIFOR) announced last month that Navy Information Dominance Forces is changing its name to Naval Information Forces.
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