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CHIPS Articles: eDIVO Receives GCN Award

eDIVO Receives GCN Award
By PEO EIS Public Affairs Office - October-December 2015
WASHINGTON (NNS) – eDIVO, a United States Navy leadership mobile application developed for Division Officers, received the Government Computer News (GCN) Award for IT excellence on Oct. 14, during the GCN Awards Gala. The award honors innovation and excellence in public-sector information technology. The app was developed by the Sea Warrior Program (PMW 240, PEO EIS) with the guidance of Lt. Charlie Hymen and Lt. John Harry, the two former Division Officers who had the idea for the app. eDIVO is a Bring-Your-Own-Device (BYOD) app available for smartphones and tablets, and allows Division Officers and other Navy leaders to find information easily, especially while at sea.

“Tonight is a great chance to recognize the effort of the team that made eDIVO a success. We are proud that PMW 240 is leading the way in the development of apps changing the way Sailors get things done,” said Ken Johnson, PMW 240 and Manpower, Personnel, Training, and Education (MPT&E) Technical Director and the mastermind behind 240’s development of mobile apps, who accepted the award on behalf of the team during the GCN Awards Gala.

After the success of eDIVO, PMW 240 continues to develop apps for the Navy workforce. In September, PMW 240 released its second mobile application, Domestic Violence Prevention, which allows users to complete the Domestic Violence Prevention General Military Training (GMT) course, and send their results directly to their Electric Training Jacket (ETJ). Since the app has been available, there have been over 1,200 course completions. PMW 240 has several more apps sponsored by OPNAV N1 currently in the works including more training apps.

The Division Officer app was developed by PMW 240 and produced under an agile development process that allowed an operational prototype to be released within six months. This process was specifically designed to develop the eDIVO app, and future MPT&E apps, on a short timeline and small budget. Tracen Technologies Inc., a company that specializes in integrated mobile and web solutions, was the software developer.

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Ken Johnson, PMW 240 and Manpower, Personnel, Training, and Education (MPT&E) Technical Director and the mastermind behind 240’s development of mobile apps, who accepted the award on behalf of the team during the GCN Awards Gala
Ken Johnson, PMW 240 and Manpower, Personnel, Training, and Education (MPT&E) Technical Director and the mastermind behind 240’s development of mobile apps, who accepted the award on behalf of the team during the GCN Awards Gala

eDIVO receives the GCN Award. PMW 240 was represented by Ken Johnson (third from the left), the program's technical director. Tracen, the app's developer was represented by Ken McKenzie (second from the left) and Jason Davidson (forth from the left).
eDIVO receives the GCN Award. PMW 240 was represented by Ken Johnson (third from the left), the program's technical director. Tracen, the app's developer was represented by Ken McKenzie (second from the left) and Jason Davidson (forth from the left).
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