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Memorandum of Understanding among the United States Department of Energy and Northern Pass Transmission LLC and SE Group: August 2011

Memorandum of Understanding among the United States Department of Energy and Northern Pass Transmission LLC and SE Group regarding independent third party preparation of a NEPA compliance document.

It is the purpose of this Memorandum of Understanding ("MOU"), which is effective upon signature by the Department of Energy ("DOE"). to establish an understanding as required by 10 C.F.R. § 205.328. among DOE, Northern Pass Transmission LLC ("Northern Pass"), and SE Group, collectively the "Parties," regarding the roles, responsibilities and relationships of each party and the procedures to be followed by SE Group in the preparation of an Environmental Impact Statement ("EIS"). The EIS will be prepared to meet DOE's obligations arising under the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 ("NEPA") in connection with the application by Northern Pass for a Presidential permit for an international electric transmission line (the "Project"). 

For more information on the Northern Pass Pending Application please see the Northern Pass EIS website.