Enterprise Mobility and Cloud Service Pilot Project Governance

DON CIO Memo - Publish Date: 07/31/13

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This memo originally stated that any organization planning to initiate a new Enterprise Mobility or Cloud Service pilot must submit an enterprise information technology standard business case analysis (BCA), or an abbreviated BCA, justifying the initiative to the appropriate approving authority. However, the May 15, 2015 DON CIO memo "Acquisition and Use of Commercial Cloud Computing Services" updates and supersedes all cloud computing guidance in this memo. The guidance for mobility pilots remains in effect.


Encl: (1) References
(2) Responsibilities

Effective immediately, any organization planning to initiate a new Enterprise Mobility (EM) or Cloud Service pilot will submit an enterprise information technology standard business case analysis (BCA) or an abbreviated business case analysis (A-BCA) justifying the initiative to the appropriate approving authority (references (a) and (b)). For EM pilots, a completed copy of the Department of Defense Chief Information Officer (DoD CIO) Mobility Pilot Request (https://intelshare.intelink.gov/sites/mobile/CMD-Pilots/SitePages/Home.aspx) must be submitted to the Department of the Navy (DON) CIO. The DON CIO, DON Deputy CIO (DDCIO) (Navy) and DDCIO (Marine Corps) are the pilot approval authorities. Associated responsibilities are defined in enclosure (2).

Before executing any funding for an EM or Cloud Service pilot, the steps detailed in this memorandum (enclosure (2)) must be followed. Before executing any funding for EM or Cloud services, hardware, or software, the applicable Information Technology Expenditure Approval Authority (ITEAA) process (reference (c)) must be followed.

DON EM pilots and Cloud Service pilots must meet the objectives of reference (d). Definitions for Enterprise Mobility and Cloud Services are provided in references (e) and (f), respectively. All EM pilots must comply with applicable DoD and DON policy (references (g) – (n)). All Cloud Service pilots must comply with applicable DoD and DON policy (references l - p).

A successful pilot does not necessarily result in adoption of a product or method. All EM and Cloud Service pilots require clear goals, objectives, and measures of performance to facilitate assessments.

My point of contact for this matter is Mr. Peter Ziomek, peter.ziomek@navy.mil, (703) 695-1944.

Signed by:
Terry A. Halvorsen
Department of the Navy Chief Information Officer

TAGS: Cloud, Efficiencies

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