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Identifying your audience is essential to planning, but you do need to dig into specifics as you detail your various tactics. Answering these questions will help you engage more effectively with the media, consumers, professionals, investors and analysts.

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Branded content is going to have its heyday in 2017 and we’ll see brands who formerly invested in traditional advertising start to pour dollars into relevant, useful content in an effort to connect with their customers. Here’s what you need to know about this rising trend.

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Considering video as part of your media strategy? Learn about pre-production must haves, production steps, distribution and even view a case study on how a PR Newswire client boosted their campaign visibility with video.

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Who says Friday the 13th has to be spooky and full of bad luck? In fact, the day can be amazing when you use it to drive volunteers to your site or educate them about your services. Here are three ideas to bring good luck (and volunteers) to your nonprofit.

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  • Tagged in multimedia, distribution, case study, messaging
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Getting your message to break through the noise is a complex task, but when that message challenges common misconceptions, it can be even harder. In a recent case study, we discovered how National Safety Council (NSC) faced that challenge with their #CallsKill campaign and share some tips to keep in mind when planning a content marketing strategy that revolves around challenging misconception.

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PR Agency Owner Vannessa Wade offers three things to consider when planning your 2017 PR initiatives in order to garner the attention of reporters, be heard above the noise and harness new technology.

  • Posted in Agency, Marketing, Press Release Quick Tips, Public Relations
  • Tagged in multimedia, lead generation, news releases, brand awareness
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Learn how Lavu, the maker of the first full-featured iPad Point of Sale (POS) app for restaurants increased brand awareness with their new mobile technology and also generated new sales leads with PR Newswire press releases.

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The challenge with a company narrative is that there are dozens of valid stories to be told. Stories of your customers. Your employees. Your investors. The business owner. It’s important to define what you want your narrative to be so that everyone, across the board, is telling the same story.

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Generating a stream of interesting and engaging ways to reach your audience through content marketing can be tough. Next year, don’t let it come to that. Plan ahead of time and use these 12 ideas over the next 12 months to continually appeal to your audience in unique ways.

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The Public Relations Society of America outlines five broad categories to watch and measure in order to assess online PR effectiveness. Are you examining all five? This infographic from our friends at the George Washington University Graduate School of Public Relations Online details considerations and benefits every PR pro should keep in mind for 2017.

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  • Tagged in Content Marketing, 2017 planning, strategy, editorial calendar
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62% of B2B marketers say their organization’s overall approach to content marketing has been much more successful now versus last year. As we approach 2017, are you adequately preparing your content to drive more results? Be sure to consider these five things when planning your 2017 strategy.

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You’ve spent the year focusing more on social media than you ever have in the past. But have you done everything you’re supposed to? Did you forget anything important? Use the following as your end-of-year checklist to ensure you covered your bases for social media. And if you missed anything, make sure to put it at the top of your to-do list for 2017.

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Investor relations departments, positioned among the most strategically important flows of information, have a unique opportunity to execute this imperative role by focusing competitive intelligence gathering with an eye to its effectiveness, efficiency and strategic impact.

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Having the right tools to help identify trends before they hit the mainstream is a tactic many brands use to earn mindshare during a trending event. Coupled with strategic planning, your brand can utilize trending content to garner more awareness, conversation and interest.

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With 25% of Wall Street investors and 19% of Main Street investors reporting they use StockTwits and Twitter for investment news, IR needs to have a strategy in place to assure their voice is in the social stream.

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Listening at an enterprise scale requires specialized tools that can collect, sort and tag mentions from millions of authors in real-time. With that type of system in place here are three things that you should track and analyze to improve content performance.

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Much like Westworld’s eclectic mix of the wild-west past and a science-fiction future, PR agencies are faced with the daunting task of mixing traditional PR expectations with an evolving media landscape.

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  • Tagged in earned media, PR, paid media, audience insights, marketing communications, PR strategy, big data, owned media, pr agency
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Thinking more broadly about the services you offer, using the right tools, partnering with the right vendors and hiring the right staff that address the pain points of your clients will ensure that your agency is positioned to better service your clients over the long-term as well as open new opportunities.

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Top CMOs have realized: It’s time to put earned media back in the driver’s seat. See how Sodexo and Cision delivered business ROI by focusing on earned media first, and discover why your marketing budget should invest in earned media.

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Small Business Saturday is only a few days away. How can you market your business to make the most of this shopping holiday? Here are a few last minute ways small business owners can prepare for the big day.
