Round Mountain HMA

The horses are likely descended from local historic ranches and Cavalry remount stock.  Adopters find these horses very desirable as they have good size and color.  They tend to be heavier boned, stocky horses from certain parts of the Territory and lighter boned from other parts. They come in many colors, with bay, black, and chestnut predominating.  For more information about the Devil's Garden WHT, please visit

Location: The Round Mountain HMA is located between Clear Lake and Goose Lake just north of Alturas.  This HMA is a small, BLM-owned portion of the Devil's Garden Wild Horse Territory (WHT), managed by the USFS. 

Size: 7,759 acres

Topography/Vegetation: While the terrain is relatively flat, horses range through a rough and rocky lava plateau. Stock water is often limited. Juniper encroachment has steadily decreased the amount of forage available for use; and soils, typically characterized by hardpan substrate, restrict water infiltration, resulting in low forage production potential.


AML:  8-010