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United States Department of Agriculture
National Agricultural Statistics Service

images of U.S. agricuture
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  Quick Stats
Quick Stats

Find and download agricultural statistics for every state and county in the United States.


  County Level Information

While Quick Stats is the best source of county level data from NASS, acreage and yield maps of county crop estimates are available here.

County data reference items


  Special Tabulations

Special Tabulations are publishable, resummarized data tables from the Census of Agriculture or NASS surveys. Requests for Special Tabulations are considered when the requested data are not published elsewhere.

Full Census Report

  Spatial Data


Veg condition animated mapCropScape is a geospatial data service which offers advanced tools such as interactive visualization, web-based data dissemination and geospatial queries and automated data delivery to systems such as Google Earth.

CropScape was developed in cooperation with the Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems at George Mason University and is hosted their website.










Vegetation Condition Images

Land Use Strata for Selected States

  Census of Agriculture

To query Census of Agriculture data, please use the dropdown below. To view the Census publications, click here:

Census Quick StatsQuick Stats 2.0
Query the Census of Agriculture database to retrieve customized tables with Census data at the national, state and county levels as far back as 1997.






Last modified: 06/30/10