
A 4-Step Regimen for Setting Goals That Always Moves You Forward

When you set lofty goals, even failure produces little wins.<p>If you read certain self-help literature, you may get the impression that some people don’t have any goals in life. Even worse -- you may be one of those people.<p>In actuality, it’s impossible for living organisms to not have goals.<p>The …


Want to Be More Confident? Do This 1 Thing (Even Though Most People Are Afraid To)

Tamara Taylor, the star of 'Bones,' on overcoming shyness and gaining the confidence to do what you love... and live the live you want to live.<p>Confidence is everything... especially when you don't have it. If skill is the arrow, confidence is what allows you to <i>release</i> that arrow.<p>Fortunately, …

Why I Kicked Off 2017 Showing This Oprah Episode

How one man showed us the best things in life are worth fighting for. Your goals deserve your best effort.<p>Oprah had Randy Pausch on her show to give his last lecture. I get choked up every time I watch it. To see somebody with only a short amount of time left with their family deliver a message to …

Pursue Your Ultimate Potential, Anything Less is Not Worthy of Your Time

Image Credit – Unsplash<p>This curated column is authored by Thomas Oppong, Founding Editor at Alltopstartups<p>Every human brain has a built-in capacity …

Startups (India)

Why You Must Delay Gratification to be Successful in 2017

In the book, Think and Grow Rich, author Napoleon Hill states, "Sex desire is the most powerful of human desires. So strong and impelling is the desire for sexual contact that men freely run the risk of life and reputation to indulge it."<p><b>Would you not agree?</b><p>But Hill goes on to pontificate, "The …


6 Brilliant Ways to Be More Successful Academically

Are you looking for advice on how to establish good study habits? Well, look no further than this infographic. Please refer to it for further …


10 Behaviors of immensely successful millionaire entrepreneurs

All millionaire entrepreneurs have one thing in common that they know how to manage all the dimensions of their lives, be it business, personal …


Why 'Fail Fast, Fail Often' Is All Hype

Learning from mistakes is natural and taking risks is what entrepreneurs do. That doesn't mean you fetishize failure.<p>Perhaps the most counterintuitive concept to come out of the wild-and-wacky entrepreneurial craze is the notion that failure is a good thing. That it’s not just OK to fail, but …


Just Begin Again: You Can Restart Your Fitness Goals at Any Time

<i>Harness the power of now and let it power you to great things in 2017.</i><p>BY ROBERT IRVINE<p>The statistics on failure of new year’s resolutions are …

Robert Irvine

How to Unleash Oozing Confidence From Inside of You

So you want to feel confidence that’s running through every vein? The type of confidence that brings out the absolute best in you? That inner voice …

Body Language

The 'secret' to Serena and Venus Williams' success is surprisingly simple

It was more of a joke than anything else, but on Monday, Serena Williams — who will join sister Venus in the Australian Open semis — gave a rather interesting answer to a question about the pair’s longevity.<p>“In general people are age aren’t really playing at a high level. It’s definitely …


These Are 7 TED Talks Every Entrepreneur Must Watch

I can’t say enough about TED talks. The concept of taking a few minutes to explore personal, important stories that connect us and help us become …

Small Business

Welcome to The Goal Standard Challenge!

Congratulations on this commitment to making 2017 a successful year. We are excited to have you in this exclusive community of achievers.<p>Congratulations on this commitment to making 2017 a successful year. We are excited to have you in this exclusive community of achievers.<p>As you know, The Goal …


How To Negotiate The Deal Of Your Life

I’m sitting at my computer looking at the email I wrote three days prior. Why is it that I can’t send it? The reason is because it’s the deal of my …


5 Ways to Turn Pessimism into Healthy Optimism

My father once asked me whether I knew what the difference between an optimist and a pessimist was? I said no, and he told me that in a difficult …


The Vanishing Value Of The Truth

<i>"You know, the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don’t alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit</i> …

Advertising Industry

4 Vices You Must Lose to Build an Author Platform

4 Vices Any Author Must Lose in Order to Build Their Platform<p><b>Vices are evil.</b> They used to be called <i>sins</i>. Most authors have them. And if you don’t …


We Make Some Intrepid Choices In Life, But Does This Mean We Should Fear Them?

The political philosopher Thomas Hobbes argued that <i>'men fear not only the present but the future as well. It is impossible for a man, who continually endeavoureth to secure himself against the evils he fears, and procure the good he desireth, not to be in a perpetual solicitude of the time to come'</i> …

Western Philosophy

Focus On Intrinsic Motivation to More Effectively Build New Habits

When you decide to start going to the gym, do you do it because you have to, or because you enjoy working out? If you’re just forcing yourself to do …


5 Excuses People with Fear of Failure Make

Source:<p>Setting meaningful goals can be scary and anxiety-provoking. Unfortunately, our mind is likely to respond to our fear of …


Don't be afraid to quit your job to travel

It is absolutely true to say that had my life continued “normally” I may not have visited the places that I have recently, nor written my book …


God Has a Dream for the World. And There’s a Place for You in it

<i>Picture by Ratiu Bia</i><p>If you and I were to talk awhile and I were to pry into your soul, it wouldn’t take long for me to discover you have dreams. You …


7 Reasons why people pleasers fail

<b>Are you a people pleaser?</b><p>If so, here are seven reasons why you’re likely to fail.<p>There’s an old saying that you can’t keep everyone happy.<p>Now that …

Masseuse offers valuable lessons for life and work

I had not expected my masseuse to be so insightful."All that matters is a platform that you can use to discover what is best that life has in store …

Chinese Yuan

Trying to Get Fit? Stop Making Excuses and Read These Quotes Instead!

As someone who is constantly trying to get fit and healthy, I can say with confidence that excuses (and the making of them) are the biggest culprit …

Inner STRENGTH – Discover it to have success.

Strength doesn’t comes from physical capacity. Rather it comes from INDOMITABLE WILL.<p>– Mahatma Gandhi<p>Every one of us has the infinite potential to …

The Pursuit: The Property Brothers’ DIY Tips for Your Career

Kelsey Humphreys, host of <i>The Pursuit</i>, talks with Drew and Jonathan Scott, also known as the Property Brothers, about how they built their impressive …


Want to Succeed? Try Impatience

Impatience is the difference between a life well lived and a life left wanting.<p><i>"Good things come to those who wait." - Violet Fane</i><p><i>"Patience is a conquering virtue." - Geoffrey Chaucer</i><p>Bullshit.<p>Only two things in life are certain: birth and death. The rest is variable. There's no master plan for …

25 Signs You're Ready to Leave Your Job in 2017 (And Do What You Love)

This is the New Year's resolution that could change your life - forever.<p>If you're unhappy at your job because you feel unfulfilled, or have bigger aspirations than your current role can provide, you've likely outgrown your position. This is something to celebrate. You're an achiever, and you want …

Business Strategy

7 concrete steps you can take to radically improve your life this year

Now that the holiday craziness has finally quieted down and we are settling back into our daily routines, it's the perfect opportunity to make this your best year of all time.<p>It might seem like a pipe dream, but it is within your grasp to create radical change this very year. That it's possible has …

Harvard Business Review