Application Instructions, Intramural NIAID Research Opportunities (INRO)

Applications must be submitted online. These guidelines will help you as you apply to INRO. If you still have questions, please check out our FAQs, or email us directly at and you will receive a response by the end of the next business day.

What are the important dates?

Please note that applications will not be accepted after the deadline listed below.

Activity Date
Applications open September 1
Deadline for submitting applications October 15
Midnight, Eastern Time
Deadline for submitting completed references October 22
Midnight, Eastern Time
Notification emails sent to applicants Early December

What are the steps for completing my application?

  1. Access the online application form.
    • There is no time limit for completing the online application. It is important to you save your application periodically to avoid it from timing out.
  2. Complete all online entries fully and accurately.
    • Note all required fields.
  3. Make sure you have addressed all of the selection criteria.
  4. Ensure accurate contact information, particularly an address for when you are not in school.
  5. Use the Print Preview button to review all information before submitting the application.
    • Proofread the application thoroughly for accuracy and completeness.
    • Make any additions and corrections at this point. Your application cannot be revised after it is submitted.
  6. Press the Submit button.
    • When prompted, print your application for your records.
  7. You will receive an automated email notifying you of receipt of your application. If you fail to receive this email, contact the INRO Program Coordinator. Once you submit your applications, your references will receive an electronic request for a letter of recommendation.
  8. Follow up with your references to ensure their prompt submission. Applications lacking the two letters of reference will not be considered. Reference letters are due no later than October 22 at midnight Eastern Time.
  9. Return to the INRO Online Application to check the status of your reference letters.

Key Points about References

As part of the application process, students must choose two individuals to submit letters of recommendation on their behalf. Only those applications for which we have received two letters of reference will be considered. In the past, strong candidates have been disqualified because their letters were not submitted on time; therefore, be sure your references submit their letters by the October 22 deadline.

  1. Choose two individuals who know you well and can speak about your strengths and attributes. These individuals
    • Should be in the scientific or academic community
    • Must have knowledge of your specific accomplishments, motivation, and skills
    • Might be college professors, department chairs, or previous employers
  2. Be sure that you have the accurate email addresses for your references.
  3. Apply as early as possible and encourage your references to submit their letters of recommendation no later than midnight, eastern time, October 22 using the electronic system.
  4. Applications without two letters of recommendation will not be considered.
  5. Note that references will be verified for qualified applicants.

Go to the INRO Online Application.

Content last reviewed on March 26, 2015