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Energy Department Partners with State, City and Industry Stakeholders to Help Hoboken Region Improve Its Electric Grid in the Aftermath of Hurricane Sandy

June 13, 2013 - 1:29pm


WASHINGTON - As part of the Obama Administration’s ongoing commitment to provide support to communities affected by Hurricane Sandy, the Energy Department today announced that it will partner with the New Jersey Board of Public Utilities, City of Hoboken and Public Service Electric & Gas Company (PSE&G) to help assess and develop strategies for improving the reliability and resiliency of the local electric grid in Hoboken.  The collaboration will help Hoboken in its efforts to rebuild and upgrade its electricity infrastructure by delivering a strategic design that identifies priority energy needs and energy system functions for various outage durations, evaluates potential system improvements, and estimates cost.  

“With natural disasters causing major power outages and weather events projected to increase in intensity and frequency, rebuilding smarter is a wise investment and vital to improving the reliability and resiliency of critical infrastructure,” said Assistant Secretary for the Energy Department’s Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability Patricia Hoffman. “Lessons learned from this pilot effort will be critical in helping Hoboken and other communities become more adaptive and better prepared to minimize the consequences of such events in the future.”  

Under the terms of the Memorandum of Understanding signed today, the Energy Department will help the City of Hoboken and PSE&G implement the Energy Surety Design Methodology (ESDM). This will be the first non-military application of the ESDM for an entire community. Developed at Sandia National Laboratories, the ESDM is a quantitative risk-based assessment tool that allows communities to evaluate their regional energy needs, identify advanced solutions to improve the reliability and resiliency of their electric grids, and understand the most cost-effective strategies for system upgrades. At the core of this methodology is the use of advanced smart grid technologies and the integration of distributed energy resources such as backup generators, photovoltaics, and storage. Previous applications of the ESDM have shown  enhanced reliability and resiliency, improved integration of renewable and distributed energy, and cost-effectiveness.

For more information about the benefits of a modern grid, visit the Office of Electricity Delivery and Energy Reliability's website.
