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Wyoming Wildlife Partnerships

BLM Wyoming relies on its many partners including private landowners, state and federal agencies, local wildlife conservation interests and industrial and recreation user groups to benefit wildlife on public land.

BLM’s Cody Field Office partnered with Sunlight Sports, The Nature Conservancy and 53 volunteers to replace 1.75 miles of woven-wire fence with wildlife-friendly fence to enhance migration in the Bighorn Basin. 

In Southwest Wyoming, BLM worked with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, the Wyoming Game and Fish Dept. and the Wyoming Department of Transportation to preserve a big game migration path, by building two overpasses and six underpasses for migration.

Semi-annually, hundreds of pronghorn make their way through Trapper’s Point en route to and from winter ranges in southwestern Wyoming.  The 120-mile long route serves as a venue for one of the largest wildlife migratory corridors in the lower 48 states.

Projects like these are accomplished thanks to the partnerships and cooperative management of wildlife and habitat resources in Wyoming.

Featured Partners

Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation

Wyoming Game and Fish Department

Wyoming Department of Transportation

U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service

Muley Fanatics


Rocky Mountain Bird Observatory

The Nature Conservancy