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CCMC Software Downloads

The CCMC Kameleon software

Kameleon is a software suite that is being developed at the CCMC to address the difficulty in analyzing and disseminating the varying output formats of space weather model data. read more ->

SWX2 - Space Weather Explorer 2

SWX2 is an experimental JAVA-3D based application developed for the interactive analysis of 3D model data of the magnetosphere (BATSRUS, OpenGGCM models) and heliosphere (ENLIL model). read more ->

CCMC space weather on Google Earth

The CCMC's experimental Google Earth space weather service - CCMC Space Weather - provides overlays to various real-time simulation results being generated at CCMC.   read more ->

The CCMC space weather widget

The CCMC Space Weather Widget displays plots that are derived from real time space weather simulations that are executed at the Community Coordinated Modeling Center at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.   read more ->

The Space Weather Laboratory's SWAN widget

The NASA Space Weather Laboratory SWAN (Space Weather Awareness) Widget displays images, plots, etc. of both observational data as well as model simulation data. Model simulation data is derived from real time simulations at the CCMC.    read more ->
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CCMC logo designed by artist Nana Bagdavadze