Appellate Briefs And Opinions


  • Geraci and Fields v. Philadelphia (3d Cir.) - Amicus
    • The First Amendment protects activities that enable speech
    • All courts of appeals that have considered whether the First Amendment applies to recording police activity have concluded that it does
    Document Date 
    Brief as Amicus 10/31/16
  • Boswell v. SkyWest Airlines, Inc. (10th Cir.) -- Amicus Curiae
    • An air carrier may choose not to provide passengers with medical oxygen without showing that providing it would be an undue hardship or fundamental alteration
    • The Air Carrier Access Act of 1986 does not create a private cause of action
    Document Date 
    Court of Appeals Decision, reported at 361 F.3d 1263 03/16/04
    Brief as Amicus 11/24/03

Browse Briefs by Category

Affirmative Action
Americans with Disabilities Act and Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act
Constitutionality of Federal Statutes
Employment Discrimination (Race, National Origin, Sex, and Religion)
Equal Access to Justice Act
Equal Credit Opportunity Act
Equal Protection Clause
Freedom of Access to Clinic Entrances Act
Individuals with Disabilities Education Act
Institutionalized Persons
Police Misconduct (Civil Cases)
Religion Cases
Servicemember Cases
Third Party Intervention in Civil Rights Cases
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964

Updated November 3, 2016