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EditPhoto URL:/sitecollectionimages/ci_10520109.jpg
EditPhoto Description:Help us reach our $100,000 goal. Every donation will be matched by the glassybaby white light fund.
EditButton Caption:DONATE NOW
EditButton Link:
EditPhoto Alt Text:
EditPhoto Credit:© Terence Tham/500px


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EditPhoto URL:/sitecollectionimages/ci_35498498.jpg
EditPhoto Title:Conservation International
EditPhoto Description:Protecting the nature we all rely on for food, fresh water and livelihoods
EditButton Caption:About CI
EditButton Link:/about
EditPhoto Alt Text:Aerial shot of the Italian coast.
EditPhoto Credit: © Ciprian Lipenschi


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EditPhoto URL: /SiteCollectionImages/ci_20606491.jpg
EditPhoto Title:How we’re going to save the Amazon
EditPhoto Description:Our goal: Zero-net deforestation by 2020. Here’s how we’ll get there
EditButton Caption:Read More
EditButton Link:/amazonia
EditPhoto Alt Text:Landscape of tropical rainforest at Yasuní National Park in Ecuador, at sunset.
EditPhoto Credit: © Lucas Bustamante


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Edit Photo URL: /sitecollectionimages/ci_91266179.jpg
Edit Photo Title: ‘Valen’s Reef’
Edit Photo Description: Conservation comes to life in virtual reality
Edit Button Caption: Dive In
Edit Button Link: /reef
Edit Photo Alt Text: Behind the scenes photos from the VR Film in Raja Ampat, Indonesia. Pictured: Ronald Mambrasar and his son Valen.
Edit Photo Credit: © Conservation International/photo by John Martin
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People need nature — and for almost 30 years, Conservation International has worked to protect it. Through cutting-edge science, innovative policy and global reach, we empower people to protect the nature that we rely on for food, fresh water and livelihoods.

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EditSection TitleHow We Work
EditSection ID (Anchor Tag):ciTemporaryId[Optional]

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EditIcon File Location/Style Library/CI/images/beaker-3.svg
EditTitle:Explore our science tools
EditLink Text:Explore Our Science Tools
EditText:CI measures and monitors the species and ecosystems that we need the most, while making that information available to the governments and businesses that need it.


EditIcon File Location/Style Library/CI/images/featherpen.svg
EditTitle:Learn how we inform policy
EditLink Text:How We Inform Policy
EditText:We combine science with partnerships to inform smart decisions about protecting nature — and provide the funding, training and expertise to make it happen.


EditIcon File Location/Style Library/CI/images/globe-3.svg
EditTitle:See where we work
EditLink Text:Where We Work
EditText:With offices in more than 30 countries, we work directly with the people who live closest to the forests, oceans and grasslands that benefit us all.


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EditImage URL:/SiteCollectionImages/sharks/144883.jpg
EditPromo RenditionID Small:14[Optional]
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EditImage Description:
EditHeading:Track a whale shark
EditDescription:Watch the real-time movements of the world’s largest fish
EditButton Text:Track
EditButton URL:/sharktracking
EditAnchor tag for sticky nav:[Optional]

Promo Group 2

EditImage URL:/SiteCollectionImages/ci_45949316.jpg
EditPromo RenditionID Small:14[Optional]
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EditImage Description:
EditHeading:6 things to know about mangroves
EditDescription:Why are these forests so important? We thought you’d never ask
EditButton Text:Read More
EditButton URL:

Promo Group 3

EditImage URL:/sitecollectionimages/ci_86647522.jpg
EditPromo RenditionID Small:14[Optional]
EditPromo RenditionID Webkit:20[Optional]
EditPromo RenditionID Portrait:16[Optional]
EditImage Description:
EditHeading:This idea could change conservation
EditDescription:You’ve heard of ‘financial capital.’ Meet ‘natural capital’
EditButton Text:Learn More
EditButton URL:/capital