Oak Ridge

The ORO is a diverse office supporting key missions in Science and Technology. To a lesser degree, other DOE missions are also supported in the areas of Environmental Management, Science Education, Nuclear Fuel Supply, National Security, Technology Transfer, and Economic Development. The ORO also manages the Financial Service Center that supports other DOE sites/locations. ORO helps to ensure mission success by providing support in the areas of acquisition and financial services, quality assurance, environmental compliance, nuclear safety, operations, maintenance, work planning and control, safety and health, human capital, real property and infrastructure, information management, safeguards and security, emergency management, public affairs, etc.

DOE management and oversight responsibilities are assigned by the Office of the Manager through the Assistant Managers.

The Assistant Manager Organizations include:

  • Assistant Manager for Safety and Technical Services (AMSTS)
  • Assistant Manager for Administration (AMA)
  • Assistant Manager for Safeguards, Security, and Emergency Management (AMSSEM)
  • Assistant Manager for Financial Management and Contracts (AMFMC)
  • Office of Chief Counsel (CC)



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